I Know I Love You

Start from the beginning

But Namjoon wouldn't listen though, just thinking that his parents and brother, along with his friends, were just jealous that he was in a loving relationship and they weren't.

Which wasn't a good thing, as he was getting manipulated by his older fiancé to think these things.

He wasn't able to put the pieces together and realize that they were correct and right with their warnings, since he was mentally manipulated by his fiancé that everything was okay, and that they were just jealous of them.

But that wasn't the case, though, which just led to more problems happening for the Kim family.

In the spring of 2013, when Namjoon was eighteen years old, after graduating high school, he and his fiancé eloped, getting legally married at a local courthouse.

And you, the readers, probably know why the couple decided to elope.

They decided to elope, due to the fact that the young teen's family and friends still didn't support the relationship.

As the older male didn't want his young husband to be around people who were unsupported and jealous of their relationship.

So he decided to move them to his hometown of Daegu, South Korea, which was just a three hour drive away from the young teens hometown of Ilsan.

He also made Namjoon cut off all contact with his family and friends, telling him things like "why would you want to talk to people who don't support you," etc.

And the young teen believed him; he believed that his husband was just looking out for him, not wanting him to be around toxic people.

Which was ironic when you think about it.

But, anyways, everything was going great for the couple, as they were able to find a small, two person apartment to move into.

Unfortunately though, the perfect relationship that Namjoon always wanted wouldn't last for long.


The abuse started almost a year later, when the young teenager was just nineteen years old.

It started slowly, starting with anger outbursts from the older male whenever his young husband broke something or talked back to him.

Then Yoongi became more controlling, starting to control Namjoon's every move and who he was talking to, as he didn't have many friends in their new neighborhood.

At first the young teen just thought that his older husband was stressed out, due to the fact that he couldn't keep a stable job, always bouncing around from place to place.

But the more it happened, though, the more he started to realize that the perfect relationship that he thought he had with Yoongi wasn't real.

He started to realize that his family and friends back home were right; that he was moving too fast in his relationship, and should've taken it more slowly.

And he started to miss them, realizing that Yoongi never cared for him, isolating him from his family and friends, moving him away from his hometown.

But he knew that he couldn't see them, since he didn't want to get on his husband's bad side.

Besides, a whole six years passed since he last saw them, and he knew that they wouldn't want to see him.

Or at least that was what he believed since he was still suffering from some of Yoongi's mental abuse and manipulation.

What he didn't know, however, was that his family and friends never gave up looking for him.

They reported him as missing to their local police department, who, since he was only a minor when he left the town with Yoongi, started investigating, taking his case very seriously.

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