Untitled Part 21

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People say that the sky in June is like a child and changes as soon as it changes. Although the sky in September has not changed so much, it has rained a lot.

When Cheng Que went out in the morning, he didn't pay attention to the weather forecast. Although it was cloudy, he didn't take it to heart. When he was about to leave the activity building, he realized that it was raining outside.

She stood at the door for a while, sighed, and asked the driver to drive in and pick her up. Xingrui's system is very humane, and there is no need to force students out of the school in the rain. After all, most of the students here are either rich or expensive, and they can't afford to offend them.

The silver-gray Maybach quickly stopped at the entrance of the activity building. The driver held an umbrella to pick her up, but Cheng Que hesitated. He looked back at the activity building, thinking that Li Yin was still not at school.

I don't know if she has an umbrella.

"Wait a minute." Thinking like this, she handed the schoolbag to the driver, turned around and ran back. The activity room of the movie club was on the third floor. She ran up to find a circle. There were only two girls packing things. She was surprised when she saw her.

"Huh? Look for Li Yin, she has already been there."

"...oh." Cheng Que pursed his lower lip in loss. I thought I could go together with the reason of sending her home.

This loss lasted for a while, the rain outside the car got heavier and the sky darker. Cheng Que stared at the dim mobile phone screen in a daze, and the driver glanced at her several times in the rearview mirror.

"Is there anything upsetting the eldest lady?"

"Huh? No." Cheng Que blinked, pressed the phone screen, and looked out the window with his chin supported.

The patter of rain hit the window of the car, and the rain water drew a trail of unscrupulous marks along the glass, which looked like tears at first glance.

The highway in the evening rush hour was not smooth, and Cheng Que had long been used to it, but suddenly he heard the driver yell out hastily.

"Miss, be careful!"




A strong feeling of pushing back suddenly appeared, even if the seat belt on his chest blocked him, Cheng Que was slammed into the seat back in front of him by this force, and then he was pulled back.

She was stunned for a moment, and later realized she felt the sharp pain coming from the top of her head...


Some unfamiliar and familiar fragments rushed to her heart intermittently with the sharp pain, like... The same for life.

The next day, Li Yin frowned when he saw the empty seat next to him. He thought that the eldest lady had skipped class willfully, but it was only in the afternoon that she knew that she had been hospitalized in a car accident.

"How? Is it serious?" Zhang Ruoruo asked worriedly, and Li Yin quietly sent his ear over.

Zhou Li's well-informed, "I heard that there was no broken skin injury, but some concussions." She still complained, "Really, did you rush to reincarnate?! The old drivers are too, don't pay attention. "

Hey, Aunt Zhang has been driving for so many years. She has been very stable. She is not to blame for rear-end collisions. The other party is to blame."

She tricked me to get me homeWhere stories live. Discover now