
I woke up, assuming it was the next day. I waited to see if anyone was going to bring me food or something. To my luck someone did.

There was a knock on my door.

"Come in" I said still a little weak. The door began to open, and in walked no one other than Whezzie.

"Whezz," I smiled running to give her a hug. She matched my embrace.

"y/n I thought you were dead" She whispered

"I know, and there is so much I have to tell you, but I need you to help me get out of here." I pleaded with her.

"I - I don't think I can" She said looking back at the door.

"Whezzie, I need to get to my friends. I need your help" I asked again. She let out a deep breath and agreed

She managed to distract Rose who was the only one home, and helped me get out the back door. I hopped on my bike that was lying against the house and started pedaling as fast as I could in the direction of the Chateau.

After what felt like forever I approached the chateau, I really hoped that someone was home. I walked into the house and was met by a mess.

I can only imagine what they went through thinking we were dead.

I walked back toward the back porch when I started to hear voices.

"I just can't believe you guys left her. Like what the fuck?" I knew that voice from a mile away. It was my JJ.

"JJ do you really think I just left my sister there? Really?" Sarah argued. I knew that whatever happened there was a reason and frankly all I cared about was the fact that we are all okay.

I swung the door open and saw all my friends, my family, walking up the dock.

They must have heard the door, because all of their eyes were suddenly on me.

I smiled as I saw the shock on all of their faces. "Miss me?" I laughed

"Holy shit" John B muttered as the rest of them stopped dead in their tracks. After a moment JJ dropped everything in his hands and started running toward me.

I ran into his arms, he pulled me so close. I felt both of us relax as soon as we were in each other's arms. Before I could say anything JJ kissed me like it was the last kiss we were ever going to share.

"I missed you" I said as we pulled apart. He was still in shock as he pulled me back into his body, his hand cradling my head into the crook of his neck.

After a moment he whispered back "I thought I lost you forever"

I pulled away and looked into his eyes "Never" I said as I kissed him again.

Once we pulled away again I was engulfed in a hug by my sister, then the rest of the group.


After we filled each other in on what happened since we saw each other last, we decided to have a good old fashioned Pogue Style night.

I was sitting on the Pogue with JJ waiting for Pope and Kie to come back with the alcohol. His hand was playing with my hair as I laid on his chest.

"I am never leaving you alone again" he whispered against my skin, rubbing his other hand up against the bandage on my side from the gunshot.

"Hey I'm okay I promise" I smiled at him

"It just kills me that your own brother did this to you." JJ huffed

"Yeah me too, Rafe used to be the best brother in the world, I don't know what the hell happened" I sighed leaning back against JJ again.

He wrapped his arms around my waist.

"I'm sorry princess. I feel bad that you lost part of your family." He muttered

"It's okay, I have all the family I need. Wheezie, Sarah, the pogues, you" I said, staring off at the ocean. "Honestly JJ, you were the reason that I fought so hard to get back. I didn't want to leave you."

"I know, but you had too. I am just grateful that you are here with me now" He smiled, kissing the side of my face.

"Forever" I said quietly back.

"What?" he asked, turning so we were looking at each other.

"I'm with you forever" He placed his hand on my chin and guided my lips to his.

"Forever it is then" he smiled back

"You guys done?" I heard Pope say, looking over to see him and Kie watching us. Kie elbowed him causing his to groan

"Way to ruin their moment dipshit" She said, making me laugh.

"Were you just watching us?" JJ asked laughing a little

"Uhh" Pope hesitated, causing all of us to burst out in a fit of laughter.

After weeks of pain, I felt at home.

(1429 words)

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