Call it what you want

Start from the beginning

By this time in JJ's speech he had moved slightly in front of me and I just stood back in awe listening to him defend our relationship.

Before he could continue John B cut him off "Bro there was one rule. One fucking rule, don't mack on my sister. I specifically told you that. And then you lied to me about it, like what the fuck?" He slammed the door and walked out of the chateau toward the dock.

JJ went to go after him, but I grabbed his arm and pulled him back. "Jay let him cool down," I said.

He nodded in agreement and we both looked over at our other friends, trying to gauge their reactions.

"Look I know that you both are probably mad, and I get that but.." before I could finish, Kie jumped up yelling "Haha Pope you owe me 20 bucks"

"What the hell are you talking about?" JJ asked, both of us shocked

"Damn it" Pope exclaimed, handing over a twenty to Kiara.

"Seriously what is going on?" I asked

"I bet Pope twenty bucks that you two were together" She laughed tucking the twenty in her pocket.

"You what?" I asked again

"Oh come on you two are so not secretive. JJ you said it's been eight months, well I have had so kind of an idea for like the past six. I figured that you guys didn't want the drama queen out there to know so I just kept it to myself." she explained, I guess someone did have a clue.

"Wait so you guys aren't mad?" JJ questioned

"Nope" Kie said

"Not really" Pope answered "Only a little cause I lost twenty bucks and caught you two"

Me and JJ caught each other's eyes and we all bursted out in laughter.

After we explained everything that had happened, I figured it was time to go talk to my brother.

I walked outside to see him sitting on the dock, I went and sat down by him.

"John B" I said, getting no response.

"Look B, I know that you are mad, but I am a big girl. I can date who I want, and the only reason we didn't tell you was because we knew this is what would happen" I explained, still getting nothing from him.

"Fine, don't talk to me, but if you want to be mad at someone then be mad at me because I was the one who started this whole thing. JJ doesn't need another person treating him like crap" I got up and started heading back to inside.

I was half way down the dock when I heard my brother get up.

"Y/n" He yelled. I stopped and turned around as he ran up to me.

"Is it serious?" He asked

"Deadly." I instantly answered, and he let out a sigh. I don't know if it was relief or anger. "I love him, B. Like love love, he makes me feel whole."

"Okay" He said, pulling me into a hug. I hugged back and let out a breath, thankful that it went as well as it was going.

We pulled apart and walked back inside, everyone sitting waiting for us.

JJ stood up and walked over to us. I stepped away to let them talk, my focus on them was the same with Kie and Pope.

"So y/n says you guys are in love or something" My brother breaks the silence.

"I told you bro, it is so much more than that. One day I'm gonna marry her." JJ said dead serious, I felt a smile creep onto my face knowing that one day I would be his wife.

"Yeah whatever, call it what you want. But I swear, keep the PDA to a minimum or I'll beat your ass." John B rolled his eyes.

JJ saluted him and almost ran up to me and grabbed and spun me around. Placing a big kiss on my cheek. Gaining comments from the peanut gallery.

With that he threw me over his shoulder and ran to my room, plopping me down on the bed. He hopped in next to me and I cuddled into his side.

"Well that went a lot better than expected" I giggled.

"You're telling me. Before ten minutes ago I thought John B would have killed me if he found out" JJ laughed

We laid there in silence for a few before I turned to face him.

"Sooo you plan on marrying me one day, huh" I smiled, causing JJ to laugh.

"Well baby, call it what you want but I plan on marrying you the day you turn eighteen" I was almost shocked at his seriousness.

I just smiled at him, and leaned into his lips. The kiss was soft and sweet. I let out a content sigh when we pulled apart.

"How about the day after?" I giggled

"Deal" JJ smiled and pulled me back into his arms.

That night was the best sleep I had ever had. All because of my snarky, goofy, loveable blondie.

(1498 words)  

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