Vol.12 Ch.32: Ben's Betrayal

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"So," Lars verified one last time. "We can only score from inside, yeah?"

"Right." Mike nodded. "Of course, the same will apply to us once we get that many points."

"Nah, don't worry. It won't apply to you."

"What?" Mike raised an eyebrow.

"Because your points won't get that far, yo!"

"Hmph." Mike glared at the grinning fool. "We'll see about that."

That brief exchange made everything clear to Kai.

Of course. Kai nodded. Lars isn't happy about this rule either, but he's maintaining that smile to not show any of it. He doesn't want to give Mike the satisfaction of coming on top. Meanwhile, I... Well...

In short, she has been overreacting to every little thing Mike threw her way. That bastard was probably having the time of his life when messing with her.

It's not good. I better learn a thing or two from how Lars acts. Kai smiled wryly. Huh, I never imagined I'd ever think of doing anything like this.

"Don't worry." Lars tapped on Kai's shoulder. "Let 'em set the rules. We just gotta beat 'em at their own game, that's all. The more control they got over the rules, the more embarrassing it gonna be when they lose."

"That's true," Kai agreed. The harder they shatter the enemy's pride, the more convincing their victory is going to look.

From the summary Kai received, the spark for this entire basketball nonsense was that the delinquents insulted the Classmancers club, calling them "fake athletes". Therefore, mopping these bastards on their own turf, under their house rules, would be the most fatal blow ever.

And so, the game went on. The enemy opened with another attack and Larry received the opening pass.

No, you don't! Kai failed to intercept the pass but she didn't give up there. She thrust her hand toward the ball immediately!

Alas, her hand only touched empty air.

"Shit!" Kai grit her teeth.

"Payback time, baby!" Larry smoothly maneuvered around Kai's predictable attack. She was far too eager to get the ball.

"You little...! Tch." Kai stopped herself there and took a deep breath. She couldn't allow herself to be triggered by such small things, it'd be detrimental to her gameplay.

I'll get him next time. Kai convinced herself to think this way. There was no point getting agitated every time she lost a duel. I need to get used to taking an L every now and then.

Of course, deep down, it was infuriating. She didn't want to submit to these wrong-doers. But, they were the ones who played basketball on a regular basis, it was their sport. So, as douchy as these bastards were, they were bound to be at least semi-decent at the game. There was no point denying that much.

Mike was somewhat stronger than Kai and Larry seemed close to her level. These were simple truths that Kai couldn't overwrite, no matter how much they frustrated her. Therefore, there was no reason to lose her head over every single defeat against them. She just had to adapt and move on.

The score was 19-18. Lars's team attacked next. As usual, the offense started with Ben passing to Kai.

Phew. Kai let a breath of relief. Larry almost intercepted the pass with his needlessly long arms, but the ball safely got to Kai in the end. It was her turn to attack.

"Ready for a payback for your payback?" Kai dribbled the ball from side to side.

"Come at me, baby." Larry grinned confidently.

Classmancers - A MOBA Esport Story - Part 2Where stories live. Discover now