Daveed walked up to the table and greeted the older woman standing behind. She told him that she made all the baskets herself and a story of how her father taught her to create them.

Even more sold than he was before the interaction, Daveed bought three different baskets as a suprise for Emmy. He knew she'd love the multicolored baskets, although they'd probably have to start another wall.

He paid the woman and then noticed some tote bags behind him. "Can I get one of those bags too?" These are actually for my girlfriend over there and I wanna wait to show her until we get home."

"Aren't you sweet," the woman looked in the direction Daveed had pointed, "She's very pretty, and very lucky to have you."

Daveed broke out into a shy grin as the lady helped him put the baskets into the bag. He gave thanks and headed back over to where Jasmine and Emmy were standing. They were turned in the opposite direction so he was willing to bet they hadn't seen him.

"You ok?" Emmy asked softly once she noticed he had joined them again. She was slightly concerned with the amount of time he had been gone.

"Yeah," he nodded reassuringly, "Stopped off to buy some vintage tees," he withheld the truth, hoping she wouldn't pay too much attention to the shape of the bag.

"Oh ok," she replied and proceed to point at Jas and Anthony. "They're about to go. Did you want to look at anything else?"

Daveed's lips turned upward and he shook his head no. The four of them decided to leave together and they began to walk out of the shop. It was still such a sunny day and Daveed couldn't help but smile with the overwhelming gratitude he felt. These markets always brought this feeling, somehow bringing an unexpected grounding to him. It was such a slow and simple thing, and something he and Emmy had always loved to do together.

Soon enough, it was time to part ways with Jasmine and Anthony so they could walk to their cars. "Don't stay away too long," Daveed said, clapping Anthony on the back and giving Jas one more hug. Emmy said goodbye to her best friend before they all turned and headed out.

Daveed and Emmy tossed all their bags in the back of the car and closed the trunk. They moved back to their seats and Daveed's hand immediately went to her thighs. She leaned over the center console to rest her head on his shoulder. The whole ride was spent like this, they didn't even have to talk, it was just a silent but happy time spent in each other's presence.

Daveed turned the car into the driveway of their family home. He pulled back into the garage and they headed towards the back to get all the items out. Daveed left his tote bag under the seat, saving it to retrieve later.

In the kitchen, they formed a small assembly line. Daveed taking the fruits and vegetables out of the bags and handing them to Emmy to put away. A step could've probably been taken out of this, but in the 2 years they'd had this house, Emmy had formed a system of organization that Daveed hadn't quite mastered yet.

Once everything was put away, they met on the same side of the kitchen island. They got closer and closer and Daveed wrapped his arms around Emmy's waist. She fell into him, positioning her arms around his as well.

Emmy's chin rested on his chest and she met his eyes with her own. He captured her eyes for a moment before taking a small step back. "I'll be right back. I want to show you something," he said before heading right back out to the garage.

Emmy leaned on the island while he went out to grab the tote bag he'd strategically left. He came back in minutes later and moved close to her. "So I didn't actually get any t-shirts" he said before reaching into the bag.

He pulled out the baskets; There was a blue one, one with a mosaic, and and brown and yellow one. He set them on the counter and then turned towards Emmy. Complete surprise had settled itself on her features. Her mouth hung open while her cheeks curved into a smile. She had wide eyes as she reached out to run her hand along the material.

"You got these for me?" her face softened with emotion.

Daveed nodded and she immediately pulled him into another hug. "I don't deserve you, thank you."

"You deserve the whole world and more baby," he said before pulling his lips to hers. The kiss was sweet but long, the two of them letting their lips linger with no desire to part from one another.

After a little bit, they let each other go but remained in their hug. "Where do you want to put them?" Daveed asked, smoothing his hand over her hair.

"I don't know, I think I'm out of space on the wall," she looked up at him and grinned.

"I was thinking the same thing," he laughed back, "We'll have to find you another area."

Emmy picked up the baskets and the two of them walked all around the house looking for the perfect place. The one they felt fit the most was the open wall in their bedroom, directly across from what was collectively their favorite photo of themselves. It felt so right, and was the perfect addition to their space.

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