𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗳𝗶𝗳𝘁𝘆 𝗼𝗻𝗲

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"Where have you guys been?" Himari ask the two. She was about to go out and look for them but they've arrived from the moment she walked across the hallway, they were running.
"We.. We, I — I mean, we.."

"...We have successfully invited Yuji and Yanagid, yey." Akari finishes Yui's sentences. Out of breath Yui pats Akari. "I see...Is Yuki there too?"
"No, he's not there but maybe you can find him after school. By the way, ask him to drop you off to your home because Akari and I needs to prepare for the..the thing."
"Huh? What thing?" It seems like Yui has lost her sense to converse with her. Ever since they talked with Aimi, with Sora's unpredictable and disgusting plans — Akari only can think of is double the care for Hina's heart. It hasn't been that long since her last break up and now..her family is targeted.
Yui nervously laughs, "You know..the housewarming thing. We really need to go, hm? I will call or text you later but for now we have to go.."
For a second there, Hina felt suspicious. Suzuki Yui was never this nervous. *Maybe because of Yuji? Is she starting to like him?* Hina watches them vanish from her sight, running again with their school bags.

"Is she still there?" Yui question Akari, slowing down their phases. "How am I supposed to know? And where are we going by the way? Straight up to Ran?"

"No, he's not easily convinced. He's deeply in love with that wench. That idiot. So, we have to get some evidence of Sora's dirty things and make a compilation out of it."

"Evidence? How? I mean where do we begin?"
"I don't know but let's just think of this as an action plan to save Himari Hina's family from breaking, okay?"

Even if they were successful putting a stop on Sora's bad intention. They still don't know what could happen to Mr. Himari Hideki — if he's going go take the bait and let temptation consume him? They don't know.
"Alright, whatever your plan is. I'd gladly involve myself in it." Akari was all in. She also wants to help her beloved best friend. "First, let's but some time for Hina through Yuki."


This time — they are headed to the gym, for real.

Eventually, Yui had to make something up for Hina's sake. They convinced Yuki to be with her for a short period of time. "Was it really that bad?"

"The what? Aha, yes. Her constipation does make her sad and she needs support." Yui lied. Yuki snorted – he didn't mean to laugh but he couldn't. "Listen, I know you guys are clearly up to something and you don't want to include Hina but, fine. I'll take her home from time to time until the both of you are finished with whatever that is."


"Was it really obvious that we made up lies?" The two were dumbfounded. "Yeah, kind of. It's a little bit off for a second...but yeah, sure."


"Well, okay. I guess we have to go now. Thank you for so much your help, Ishikawa Yuki. Bye!"

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