(If that's the case, we'll just have to destroy them all before they can activate even one.) Raizel releases his power as the satellite in his sight creaks before exploding.



The RK arrived just in time when Frankenstein was being ganged up on by Crombel's experiments.

"Frankenstein... Tao says to hurry." M-21 reminded his Boss who noticed that his communicator broke. His worries for his master and his family grew after realizing that he cannot receive and reports regarding them.

'Reina wouldn't let anything happen to our child... Master is with her too.' He thought, trying to swat his worries away.

"I'd love to leave this place to you guys and move on..." He sighs before looking at the man in front of him, the former leader of the Union. He knows to himself that this person will be a hard one to fight for them.

"But allow me to finish off that blond." He stated, gesturing to the First Elder. 

The RK had no choice but to let Frankenstein finish the former Union Leader as he charges towards the enemy.


Reina breathes heavily after destroying yet again another satellite. The exhaustion is finally creeping through her bones as she felt wetness under her nose, she's bleeding yet again but they don't need to know that.

(... we currently have three satellites left. Boss and the others are gathered in Crombel's hideout, they are currently fighting his minions.) Tao reported as soon as Raizel destroyed another satellite.

His breathing felt heavier on their communication device, the three of them knows that Raizel is almost at his limit. Reina is at her limit too but she cannot just give up. Even one of those satellites can bring so much destruction to the planet.

She slightly bit her lower lip before caressing her belly.

'Just hang in there... I'll protect you with everything that I can but we have to endure this first.'

"Go home Raizel." Reina firmly stated.

"I'll take care of the rest."

(Sir Raizel, you're too exhausted. I believe you already used powers near your limit.) Tao added.

(Reina is... she's pregnant. You may not hear it but she's exhausted too. Who am I to rest when she's still here sacrificing her life.)

"Raizel, they don't need too much energy yet. I can finish this without your help, just rest, please. They need you... I need you." Reina wasn't able to keep a sob from escaping her lips. Raizel is the only parental figure she has left. She cannot even imagine her life without him.

(Reina...) Of course, Reina is far stronger than Raizel because of her parents. 

"Please Raizel."

(Let's destroy them together.) Raizel insisted, he doesn't really want to back down but he's willing to admit that he wants to stay longer to see the kids, to live a peaceful life.

Reina had no choice but to agree, this way she could see how he's faring. She can just destroy the satellite before he can even get there.

Her Lover: Frankenstein (Noblesse FF)Where stories live. Discover now