Chapter Forty-Three

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A few days later you all gathered at Sloane's apartment. She suggested it as a neutral ground for everyone and you had agreed that would probably be best. You look around the room and chew your lip in silence. Keigo is sitting next to you, arm wrapped around your shoulder and wings puffed up in a protective stance. Sloane is standing up, leaned against the back of the couch, and sipping tea from a mug. Her green eyes are darting back and forth between Keigo and Dabi with curiosity. Dabi sits across the room from you and Keigo, arms crossed over his chest. He's staring daggers at the winged hero, who returns the glare. You glance from Keigo to Dabi and sigh.

Sloane sets down her mug and claps her hands. "Well then, shall we?"

You clear your throat and sit forward a little. "Ok, so let's establish what we know and then we can go from there."

"We know about the fighting in Deika City and what happened there. We also know it's tied to the league," Sloane says, gesturing to Dabi who nods once, his eyes never leaving Hawks.

"Now we need to know what happens next," Keigo says, gesturing for Dabi to share.

He chuckles and tilts his head, smirking at him. "Wouldn't you like to know, bird boy."

"Touya," you hiss.

Dabi rolls his eyes and sits back against his chair, returning his stare to Keigo. "Fine." He sighs deeply before continuing. "The plan is to launch an attack on the city using a weapon we've been saving until now - a big oaf known as Gigantomachia." He shrugs. "And during all of this, I'll shed some light on the piece of shit that is my father. Poor Endeavor's rising public image is going to come crashing down in pieces. Must have been hard for you to accept your personal hero for the monster that he is," he sneers at Keigo.

His wings twitch a little and he clenches his jaw. "It's disappointing, but if the things you say about him are true then he's not the kind of hero we want to use for the new image we're trying to create."

You nod and look at Sloane. She's grinning, propped against the couch with her arms crossed. You raise a brow at her and she clears her throat before taking a step forward into the room.

"Right," she says. "So we need to collaborate on a plan to both help you expose Endeavor while keeping the city safe."

Dabi scoffs and brings a cigarette to his lips, lighting it with his fingertip and taking a drag. "Well, the latter isn't exactly a priority for me."

"If you want the former to happen then you better make it one," Keigo snarls.

He sits forward as Dabi's eyes darken and fix on him again. Sloane chuckles and walks closer to Touya. She plucks the cigarette from his hand. His eyes snap up to her, his lip curling up slightly. She takes a drag from it and turns her head away to blow the smoke. A sly smile spreads across her features as she hands it back to him. He takes it, blinking a few times.

"Now now children, we agreed to play nice," she says.

Keigo settles back into the couch and grumbles something under his breath about Dabi. You pinch his side and he glances at you out of the side of his eye. He sighs when he sees you looking at him sternly. Dabi chuckles across the room and takes another drag from his cigarette.

"What I mean is that I'll be there to do my job with the league. And to make sure Endeavor feels all the humiliation I intend to inflict upon him," he says. "I'll agree to keep casualties to a minimum as long as all of you agree not to get in my way."

You share a look with Sloane and she nods. Keigo sighs and clenches his jaw, but nods in agreement. Dabi smiles and puts out his cigarette in an ashtray Sloane slid next to him.

Vigilante Songbird (Hawks x Reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz