Chapter Twenty-Eight

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"So yeah, that's why I think you guys should give it a shot."

You were sitting in the den of Kava's house. You'd called a meeting with him and Appendore and you all agreed to meet at his place. Hawks had insisted on going with you. He was sitting next to you observing the two of them with his hand on your back. You could feel his encouragement through your nerves. You knew this was not going to be an easy conversation, but you'd given them the pitch anyway.

Laughter boomed from Kava's chest. He was a broad-chested man with tanned skin decorated in black runes. They were visible on his forearms and biceps, but you knew they adorned his chest as well under the armor-like chest piece he wore over his tight white shirt. His green hair fell in thick locks down to his shoulders. His almond-shaped eyes were black as the night. He cut the sound off when he saw the stern look on your face.

"Oh...oh you're serious?" He sat forward. "Y/N...what the fuck?"

Appendore cleared her throat. She was sitting in an armchair in the space next to Kava in a black bodysuit tucked into low-rise lavender-colored linen pants. There were cutouts in her top that exposed the sides of her torso from her ribcage down to the tops of her hips. Her body was sculpted like an Olympian athlete. Her short and curly black hair bounced around every time she moved her head. She looked up from the floor with her piercing green eyes and glanced at him before setting her gaze on you.

"Y/N. I've known you for a long time, honey. What has tainted your ideas of the hero commission being anything other than a corrupt organization ran by a snake who sets her pawns out to do her biddings?" Her eyes flicked to Keigo and she looked at him apologetically. "No offense, Hawks."

His wings twitched and he chuckled. "None taken. But actually...I think that is exactly the point here that you two are missing." He patted your knee and smiled at you.

They both looked at him in confusion and you nodded. "He's right. We all know that is the case. We all know what we're dealing with. Honestly, I have an even better idea just how true that is now that I've been employed with them." You sighed. "If we can get a foothold within the commission, we can all work to rebuild it and make sure to root out all the snakes that are hiding within it.

Kava scoffed and lifted a glass of scotch to his lips. "Not too fond of snakes." He took a sip of the brown liquid and adjusted in his seat.

Appendore sprouted a second arm from her left side and smacked him in the chest. "You're overlooking the goal at the end, stubborn man." She grumbled at him. "Ancient knowledge my ass..."

He sneered at her and Keigo tried to hide his snicker. "I like her," he whispered next to your ear.

"Look, all she wants is one meeting with you. They will make a proposal of work to you just like they did with me. If you like it, great. If you don't, then you're free to leave." You shrugged. "Just give it a shot guys. I don't like them one in this room likes them, but the commission is a...means to an end." You glanced at Keigo and squeezed his knee when you used his words.

"Fine." Kava set his glass down and sat forward, offering his hand to Keigo. They shook hands and he got up from his chair. "I'm in."

Your face twisted in confusion but then you shook your head and laughed. "Ok then." You looked to Appendore.

She was tapping her chin and had crossed her legs. Her eyes were piercing into yours. They flicked to Keigo who grinned at her.

"Do you love her?" Her tone was deadpan and serious.

Keigo sat up straight, meeting her gaze. "Yes."

"Too easy," she said and tilted her head. "Would you protect her to the ends of the earth? Through hellfire and hurricanes...through your very last breath. No matter who or what you were defending her from?"

Vigilante Songbird (Hawks x Reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن