Chapter Forty-Two

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Some manga spoilers ahead in this chapter. And I did take some creative liberties with the storyline.

The waitress set down your order in front of you and you smiled, thanking her for her service. She nodded and smiled at you before leaving you and Keigo at the table. He looked across the table at you and smiled. You laughed at him looking hungrily at the food before he picked up a fry and popped it into his mouth.

"I'm glad you remembered this place," you say and take a bite of your sandwich.

He swallows his bite of food and nods. "Of course. They have the best fried chicken sandwich in the city."

You both laugh. The two of you enjoy your lunch with some light conversation. Your phone dings and you pick it up from the table.

Sloane: Got something you might want to look into. Could be the league...and I know you've got connections.

Your eyebrows furrow at the text. The last thing you wanted to do was get wrapped up with them again after the recent events, but if they were doing something crazy you may be one of the only people who could stop them. Or at the very least talk a little sense into them and re-route the plan so people wouldn't get hurt unnecessarily.

"What is it?" Keigo's voice cuts through your thoughts.

You look up at him and place your phone on the table face down. "A text from Sloane. I've been slowly rebuilding my reputation with the vigilantes after what happened with the commission. Obviously, she never held anything against me and she hasn't stopped contact, but a few of the others have been a little more hesitant," you sighed. "But uh, our brief break-up seemed to help them believe I wasn't just a puppet of the hero commission." You rubbed the back of your neck.

He scoffed and rolled his eyes. "You've never been a puppet for them. Hell, you even gave me some trouble with following orders while working with my agency," he teased making you giggle. "By the way...your spot is still waiting for you there if you ever want to come back." He smiles at you sheepishly.

You smile back at him and reach across the table to squeeze his hand. "I'll think about it. I really need to secure my standing with the vigilantes again first." He nods and you lean a little closer, lowering your voice. "Sloane was telling me about something going on that could involve the league. Think we could talk about that later? You might be able to help."

His golden eyes light up and he nods enthusiastically as his wings twitch. "Absolutely, I'd love to help."

You smile and the two of you finish your lunch together. Keigo pays and the two of you leave. He follows you out to your car and you both climb in to talk more privately. You pull your phone out and call Sloane to get more information. You put the phone on speaker and place in between the two of you.

"Hey love," she answers.

"Hey, Sloane. Just a heads up...Hawks is here, too," you say and chew your lip, waiting for her repsonse.

"Hm, well I guess it would be helpful to have the input of someone who has inside information," she says with a sigh.

You give him a sheepish smile and he shrugs. "All right, so what's going on?"

"The information we got was about a group that is forming from the ideals of this old book that's resurfaced. It's called the Meta something...I can't remember the whole title," she says.

"The Meta Liberation War," Hawks says solemnly next to you.

You look over at him. His features are set into a hardened expression and he clenches his jaw. "Do you know something about this?"

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