Chapter Eight

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Hello!! I just wanted to say a quick thank you for 100 views. I hope you're enjoying what I've written so far. The next few chapters are going to be bringing in the spice! Also, please don't forget to leave comments and vote for chapters you enjoy! Thank you again <3

The night goes on and you belt out song after song. During each of the breaks you take with the band you scour the crowd for Hawks, hoping to catch a glimpse of him somewhere, but no luck. When it came time to sing the new original song you had written, you pushed it off telling the guys you weren't ready yet and wanted to practice it more. Even though that was a lie. You didn't want to sing it if he wasn't here to listen.

Why did I even think he would actually care? You sighed at the inner thought and tried to push it away. You should have known better than to expect him to come. He's a pro hero. He had much better things to do than come listen to you sing some cover songs in a bar. You rolled your eyes and shook your head at yourself for thinking he was interested.

"Hey, what's going on?" Casha's voice cut through your thoughts. Her face showed her concern and you felt it hit you at the same time as her words.

"Oh," you felt your cheeks heat slightly. You didn't know she was paying attention to you. "Um, well, I was waiting for someone to show up, but he's no-"

She grabbed your hands tightly and started jumping up and down. The vibrations of her excitement consumed you and a smile overcame your features. "Oh my gosh!" Her voice went up about two octaves with her exclamation. "You invited a guy to your show? Who is it? Why didn't you tell me?!" You laughed at her questioning and hugged her.

"Well, I didn't say anything because it was a little spur of the moment and he's not here anyway. So I guess it didn't matter either way." You shrugged and looked away with disappointment. Cas gave you another quick squeeze and flashed you an encouraging smile. "You still have one more set babes, don't give up just yet." You nodded and hugged her back in response.

Break time was over so you headed back to the stage to begin the last set. You went through the setlist singing song after song and scanning the crowd between each and every one. Your hope was painfully annoying. Each time you checked the crowd and didn't see Hawks you got more frustrated, but not at him, at yourself. Maybe I shouldn't have sent him away earlier... Your mind flashed back to earlier when you ran Dabi off. You knew it wasn't ideal, but at least he had come back...

You're wrapped up in those thoughts when Rika signals to you that you've reached the last song of the night. Filled with frustration and mentally beating yourself up, you face the crowd again and begin to sing the last song. You're grateful it's a song to match your mood and you let it all out through the vocals. As you sing the final lines of the song you give a nod to the crowd and wave enthusiastically. "Thank you everyone for coming out tonight! You were a great crowd. We're signing off for the night but we hope to see you all back here again soon." 

As you're giving the rest of your closing speech, a voice rings out and cuts you off. "Encore!" You spot a figure standing at the end of the bar towards the back of the dimly lit venue.

He's trying to hide incognito-like, but you immediately recognize who it is. You immediately notice his crimson feathers. He's wearing a large darkly colored jacket with the hood up over his head to hide some of his features. Your gaze meets his shining golden eyes and even though you hate to admit it to yourself, you're filled with joy at his appearance. He's smiling at you and you return it with one of your own.

The band chuckles and looks at you. "Well, what do you think super-star? We still have your song to debut." Shino waits for your response. 

Now seems like the perfect time to do so since you intended for him to hear it. "Let's do it," you respond and grip the microphone again. "Sure, we'll oblige that request for an encore. Here's an original song we've been working on, written by yours truly. Hope you enjoy." You meet Hawks' gaze again as you say the last bit.

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