Chapter Twelve

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Hello loves! Thank you again for all your support. I went to a con this weekend and debuted my new fem hawks cosplay. Thought I'd include a photo for you all to enjoy. (Check out my other platforms for more cosplay stuff!) This chapter contains a flashback to Y/N's childhood and it is NOT pretty. I'm including a few trigger warnings here. Stay safe, stay healthy. I love you <3
⚠️TW: emotional abuse/neglect, physical spousal abuse, manipulation

Y/N age 7
You were playing in your room with your new pink guitar toy when you noticed it was dark outside. You walked to the enormous window that stretched from floor to ceiling and saw the moon shining brightly in the clear sky. You had never seen it so high in the sky before! It was so pretty.

Headlights appeared at the gated entrance to your home. You watched, peeking out through the silk curtains, pulling them open further. That was daddy's car. You had never been up when he got home from work. Where was mommy? Was it your bedtime?

You went over to your closet and grabbed your favorite nightgown that was decorated with stars in rainbow colors. You changed into your bed time clothes. Mommy would be so proud of how big you were getting now that you could dress yourself for bed! You ran to your door and twisted the door knob. When you opened the door you heard an unusual sound. Was someone crying? Your little feet padded down the hallway with quiet footsteps, carrying you towards the kitchen.

"My God, Sukira, do you really need the whole bottle?" Your father's voice floated to your ears. He sounded angry. You reached the open archway at the back of the kitchen. Your mother was slouched against the island in the center of the kitchen with a wine glass in her hand and the bottle sitting atop the counter next to her. She rolled her eyes at your father and turned away from him. Her face was wet. Mommy was crying? 

"Do not walk away from me, woman." He gripped your mother's arm and pulled her back towards him. She yanked her arm out of his grasp and he sneered at her. Your hands went to your mouth and covered it. You stood there in silence watching your parents in the kitchen.

"Don't fucking touch me! You reek of her." She yelled at him while sobbing. Your father began pulling things out of his pockets and setting them on the counter. He nodded his head with a cynical grin on his face. "Why did you even come home? At least I can sleep peacefully when you have your fun with her."

Your father removed his suit jacket and hung it over the back of a barstool. He chuckled as he turned back to face her. "Trust me, I'm only here because she was unable to entertain overnight company. She has children, too." His tone was matter of fact when he spoke. Your mother was still crying but she had went back to sipping her wine, avoiding eye contact with him when he spoke. His eyes flashed back to her and they had a sinister red hue that you had never seen. It was so scary! "Unlike my useless wife, she is a good mother who takes care of her children." 

A screech came from your mother as she gripped the bottle of wine and swung at your father. He pushed her with a flat palm against her chest and she fell to the ground. The crash of the breaking glass made you cry out. You took a few staggered steps back before you crouched down to hide. 

A gasp left your mothers lips as she looked back and saw you sitting there. "Y/N? Why are you out of bed baby?" She moved towards you but winced and cried out when her hand landed on a sharp piece of glass. It punctured into her palm and she clutched it to her chest.

Your father roared with anger and struck her across the face with the back of his hand. She fell backwards and began to sob harder than before. "Mommy!" You rushed to her while your own tears were streaming down your face. 

He stepped over your mother lying in the floor and stood between the two of you. You looked up to him and when he began walking towards you, anger rose in your chest. When he came to a halt in front of you your little fists pounded against his legs. 

"Stop hurting her! Leave mommy alone!" Your voice was a shrill banshee-like cry through your anger and tears.

A scoff came from your father and he reached down to grab your forearm. "You are supposed to be in bed. Which is where your drunk mother should have put you hours ago, but couldn't be bothered." He began to walk down the hall dragging you along with him. "And now I have to do her fucking job." You tried to claw at his hand to let you go. You were wailing about how mean he was while he pulled you along.

Only a few steps from the kitchen and he had decided you were being too defiant. He whipped around and aimed that red glare at you. "Sleep. Now." Your eyes widened before fluttering closed. Your arm went limp in his grasp as your little body slumped to the floor, unconscious.

Present Day

At the time, you didn't realize this was the incident that activated your quirk, but you felt everything they felt that night. The grief and despair of your mother, the rage and disgust from your father, but above all, you were just a scared little girl that couldn't trust either of her parents to care. These memories always came back to you anytime you saw him.

Your father's voice droned on through the tv as he gave reports on the news. Your father had worked that position for all of your life. As an adult, you avoided watching news reports as often as you could, but earlier you heard sirens and you were compelled to watch for anything involving Keigo. You wanted to know he was safe. You knew he would be out there on patrol, and you knew who had recently been in the city... If Dabi was around, the league could be too.

The chime of your phone broke through your thoughts. You looked down and saw a text from a new contact...but not one you remembered putting into your phone. Hero is what the screen read. There was a feather emoji and a music note next to the name. Seeing the emojis, your hand moved to your chest to touch the crimson feather hanging there. It felt warm in your hand. You swiped across the screen and read the text: Calm down, songbird. Hard to focus in these meetings when all I can hear from my feather is your heartbeat. You ok? Missing me already? ;)

You couldn't help but laugh at his charm. He must have put his number in your phone while he was at your apartment. It made you feel better to know he was okay. You typed out a response: Just remembering that tongue isn't ONLY sharp with words. And you can hear me? Good to know... You added a mischievous grinning emoji before hitting send. That was going to be fun to use against him. The thought made you giggle. 

Knowing he was safe, you turned off the news and cut off your piece of garbage father.

Vigilante Songbird (Hawks x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now