Chapter Thirteen

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It had been a long and boring day for Keigo. The Hero Commission had insisted he be a part of the meetings to discuss his findings on the League of Villains thus far in his undercover operations. He told them what he had learned about the members so far. There was Dabi who he had mostly interacted with. He hated that guy and after the incident in the city with that stronger nomu and what happened with Endeavor, he definitely didn't trust him. He told them about who he suspected was being used as a puppet by All For One - Shigaraki. Hawks didn't know their intentions yet, but he knew they were planning something horrible in the near future. He still needed to gain their trust fully, but how...

The President was going on about what they theorized based on the information he had gathered. He let her go on but interjected here and there when he thought she had gotten it all wrong. As usual, she would suppress him when he disagreed and he had to let her go on with her theories. God he hated being under her thumb. It has always been this way...he felt like he owed them after everything they had done for him from his childhood. He was loyal, but lately he had begun to wonder if maybe that level of loyalty was truly warranted. He tried to shake away the thoughts and refocused them onto you.

Hawks heard your steady heartbeat under his feather. You had calmed down after his text. Your response made him grin. He typed another to you. Oh, is it now? Color me intrigued. Keigo tucked his phone into his pocket again and sat back in his chair, crossing his feet at the ankles. He concentrated on the feather he knew was around your neck. It caressed your chest softly and he moved it up to your neck, dragging it across your bare skin. He heard you gasp in surprise and tried his best to suppress a chuckle while the meeting continued. He settled the feather back on your chest and let you be.

I wonder what she's wearing... The thought rolled through his mind. There was nothing in the way of his feather moving, which meant you must be wearing a loose shirt or something that bared your chest. He thought of seeing you naked and shifted forward in his seat. Your body was perfect...your curves were beautiful and so well placed. The way your back arched when he was enjoying the decadent taste of your pretty little cunt. The faces you made with each orgasm and when you called his name. God, it sounded so sexy on your lips. He wondered how they'd look wrapped around his dick. He intended to find out the next time he saw you... His cock began to stiffen and he pulled at the seam of his pants when they tightened at the front.

Your sweet moan rang through his brain. At first, he was confused. Were his memories that vivid? No...your heartbeat had sped up again. You were touching yourself. Keigo swiped his hand across his mouth and cleared his throat. One of the executives in the meeting glanced at him with a raised brow, questioning the sound. He flashed a smile and looked away. 

Naughty little thing. You were using his feather to toy with him. He tried to focus on what was being said but your sexy sounds were distracting him. He could feel his cock getting harder with each moan that rang through his head. Your breathing was heavy and your chest was rising with each inhale. He flicked his feather across the skin of your breast and moved it gently across your nipple. He heard your sharp intake of air and tried to hide his laugh with a cough.

This drew the attention of the president. She looked at Keigo with irritation. "Hawks, is something about this entertaining to you? Maybe you could help the rest of us understand what's so funny."

He scratched the back of his head and cursed under his breath. He moved his feather up to your lip to shush you while he spoke. "Sorry ma'am, please continue." 

Hawks shifted in his seat again when the president stopped skewering him with her eyes. He moved his feather from your lips to trace down your jawline and down your neck. Another sweet moan left your lips. His cock was throbbing in his pants. Images of you using your fingers to play with your pussy kept playing out before him. It was driving him wild. His wings twitched as you gripped the base of his feather and brought it to your lips. When you breathed against its threads, his eyes rolled back and he pressed his lips together to suppress a moan.

"Keigo, come fuck me."

His wings unfurled slightly as he stood in a swift and abrupt movement. Everyone snapped their gaze to Hawks. He began to move for the door. The president began to question where he was going, but Keigo cut her off as he gripped the handle and walked out of the room. "Something came up." He noticed the secretary outside the meeting room become flustered when she took in the sight of the bulge at the front of his pants. He spoke and waved over his shoulder. "I'll read the notes for the meeting conclusion later. Think you can get those for me and have them sent over to my agency, sweetness?" He gave a quick wink to the young secretary as she sputtered an affirmative response. "Thanks!"

Hawks took the elevator to the roof and took off like a bullet. I'm coming, baby. My naughty little baby. He could hear your heartbeat again. His feather was resting against your chest and you were still moaning while you pleasured that perfect pussy. He was at your balcony in what seemed like seconds. 

He knocked a greeting against the window and grinned mischievously at the gasp he heard through his feather. You appeared from your bedroom wrapped in a silk robe with the most adorable look of confusion on your face. Your cheeks began to glow red when you noticed he was standing on your balcony. He grinned and pointed to the locked latch on the door. You walked over and opened the door for him.

He scooped you into his grasp looping one arm around your back and gripping your throat with the other hand. Keigo ground into you with his rock hard member and growled into your ear. "You were being a naughty little slut in there weren't you, songbird?" 

Your response was a whimper and you couldn't control your panting breathes. 

"You wanted me to come fuck you, right?" You start to nod but he pulls back and moves his grip to cup your face. He caresses your bottom lip with him thumb and grins. "Words, baby. Use that pretty voice." He commands and grinds into you again.

"Yes, please."

He kisses you hard and lets out a satisfied groan against your mouth. "Good girl." He lifts you up in his arms and wraps your legs around his back as he carries you to the couch and lays you down underneath him.

Vigilante Songbird (Hawks x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now