Chapter Twenty-Five

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Two weeks had passed since Touya showed up and destroyed your apartment in the fight with Keigo. You had decided to accept his offer to move in with him. He helped you get out of your own lease and pay for the damages in your unit. Things were good between the two of you, but still you withdrew. You were feeling vulnerable and Keigo didn't want to overwhelm you so he didn't press.

The two of you were cooking dinner and Keigo was making jokes, as usual. You had a lot on your mind that kept you from acting as you normally would. After the third insincere chuckle, his hand slowly gripped yours. You looked at him. He was smiling softly but you felt his concern wash over you. He brought your hand to his lips and kissed it. You sighed and felt guilty for making him worry. It wasn't his fault. He was being so kind and considerate and patient with you.

"Can we talk?" You leaned into him and he rubbed your back gently.

"Of course. I'm all ears." He grinned and kissed the top of your head.

You turned the stove burners down to a low heat and led him over to the tall bar stools to sit down. He was watching your face with those soft golden eyes that filled your heart with so much love and warmth.

"Keigo... I owe you an apology." He titled his head. "With everything that's been going on, I've been really stressed and so tired. I've not been myself and it's caused me to pull away from you. Which isn't fair, because you haven't done anything wrong. I'm just being stupid and letting everything overwhelm me because I can't accept good things in my life without always looking for the other shoe to drop. And I know that's ridiculous, because you've been absolutely nothing but amazing to me and...and for me. I just-"

He chuckled, which caused you stop talking. "Woah there, songbird. Slow down and catch a breath!" He leaned forward and caressed your cheek. "First of all, you don't owe me an explanation. I knew you were a little...tense." He shrugged. "I've been waiting for this. But I've also been waiting to tell you that it's ok. You have nothing to worry about with me." He planted a kiss on your lips and you almost melted into a puddle on the floor.

Tears clouded your vision and you threw you arms around his shoulders. He squeezed you in a tight embrace and pulled you onto his lap. You wrapped yourself up in his arms and absorbed all the love and comfort that was radiating from him.

"Thank you..." You whispered.

He rocked you in his arms while tears fell from your eyes. He hummed softly and gave you soft pats on the head as he twined his fingers around strands of your hair. The two of you sat there like this for a few moments until you felt like you could speak like a normal person again.

"I've been thinking..." Your cheeks flushed and you took in a deep breath. "And I think I'm ready to talk to the commission." A bright smile lit up Keigo's face but you raised a hand. "But I have questions and a few stipulations."

He sat back and nodded. He waved a hand to signal you to continue talking.

"Would I be working with you every day?"

"That depends on the day. Short answer? No. But you would be working with my agency on a regular basis if you still wanted to join. Even being a pro, you wouldn't be at the same rank as me and that means not having the same clearances. "

You nodded and tapped your chin. "So what about my band? I don't want to give up singing."

"We can work around your schedule with them." He grinned. "I don't want you to give up singing either. After all, it is what helped me find you after our first meeting." He winked which made you giggle. His heart fluttered at the sound and you felt him swell with happiness.

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