Chapter Two

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For the next week, you canvassed your target - Ako, the jerk who had been harassing Cas. He was predictable. He had breakfast and got coffee from the same cafe cart every morning before going into the office building. Your plan was simple. You would ambush him while he was grabbing his coffee. He would be too busy making sure he didn't spill it or drop his food to even notice you lifting his wallet. You had plans for his privileged money.

You stood watching the cart and saw him approaching after waiting only a short while. He placed his order and stood there staring down at his phone, his thumb flying across the keyboard. The thought of him making Casha uncomfortable with his creepy texts made you angry. As you walked closer to him you pushed out with your quirk to read his emotions and immediately regretted doing so. He was filled with lust and greed. You wondered what poor girl was playing victim to his idiocy this morning. Just as you were about to abandon the plan and put his face into the dirt, the server called his name.

It was time. You walked closer and drew your sweatshirt close around your neck. Your hair was flowing around your face and you ducked your shoulders down to hide your face as much as you could. While he was taking his order from the window, you knocked into him. As predicted he was too occupied with holding onto his coffee and you were easily able to swipe his wallet from his open coat. It sat in his inner pocket that you knew he kept on his left side. With him reaching up and out, it was wide open for your grasp. You tucked it under your sweatshirt and quickly into the loose waistband of your jogging pants.

"What the hell?" He exclaimed as he steadied himself. You were gushing apologies and throwing up your hands in defense as you backed away. He turned to face you and sneered down his wide nose. "Filthy street urchin. Still, feeling the effects of last night's liquid dinner? I can smell the retched stench on your breath."

Wow, he was a complete dick! Yes your disguise had worked and the smell of the rubbing alcohol had fooled him as you had planned, but you didn't think he would publicly shame you like that. Your hands were still up, your face shrouded in your hair and tucked into your shoulder, and you were still backing away from him. "So sorry, so sorry." He couldn't be bothered with you any longer and he huffed and turned away. You turned in the opposite direction and a sinister grin spread across your face. Yes! It worked.

As you walked away, you stripped off the baggy sweatshirt and tossed it into a waste bin as you passed by. The extra pants would have to wait, but you were happy to be rid of that alcohol smell. It was burning your own nose after a while. It was then that you felt it. An intruding emotional impulse from someone who was...watching you?

You began to look around, scanning the small morning crowd on the street and then you catch a glint of shimmer from a pair of yellow eyewear - the source of the emotion you feel...and it's...intrigued? Out of curiosity, you study your onlooker more. Wait.

Dirty blonde hair, oversized matching khaki-colored jacket and pants, tight black shirt underneath, and red wings. You knew exactly who he was. Hawks. That curious hero who seemed to echo your ideals. You wondered if they would hold up in person. You smiled and met his gaze directly. He shifted his glasses, pushing them up a little and you saw him grin, knowing you had seen him.

You shot to your right and into an alley out of the way. You knew he would follow you. You could feel it. He was curious but there was a little hint of annoyance there, too. Were you in trouble? Maybe... You heard the tromp of heavy boots turn down into the alley behind you.

"Hey there," his voice was even warmer now that you were hearing it in person and not through the distortion of the television broadcast. "You want to explain to me what just happened back there?" There was an almost inviting smile on his face as he rocked back and forth on the heels of his boots, his hands in his pockets. He was close enough to you that you could push through with your quirk. There was true interest behind his words. He actually wanted you to answer him, this wasn't just a trick.

With a little coy smile on your lips, you turned to face him and pulled the wallet from the waistband of your pants. "Oh, this?" You wave it around a little, taunting him. Another wave of intrigued annoyance surges from him. "Would you believe me if I said he deserved it?"

A little chuckle escaped his lips and he took a few more thudding steps towards you. He reached up, dipping his glasses down to look at you. "Go for it."

You explained the guy deserved it and told him all about the harassment he had been plaguing those women with in the company. You told him he had it coming and he deserved exactly what you had planned for all his "privilege money" in that wallet. As you told Hawks about what was happening and the reason behind your theft, you felt two prominent emotions go through him. You felt more annoyance, but not towards you this time. Then there was amusement.

He nodded his head and crossed his arms over his chest. You watched his features change into a face that mirrored his amusement. "Interesting. So what's your plan?"

You scoffed. "What's it to you, hero? Shouldn't I be in trouble or something?"

His head tilted back with a hearty chuckle and you stood there watching as he made one quick flap of his wings and came to you in what seemed like a flash. His boots landed on the ground only about two feet in front of you. He was so much closer. "Maybe your plan will determine that. So go on, let's hear it then." A smirk pulled at the corner of his lips.

Before starting, you locked eyes with him again. He didn't know your quirk, so you could easily get him under your control in a matter of seconds while you distracted him with a story. "Well, he's obviously a jerk, so I think he should pay for his transgressions. Literally. First, I'll start by donating to charities for abused women. Then, I plan to make some apologies to the ladies in his office...on behalf of his money." You flash a smile because you know he's like unknowing clay in the palm of your hands now. "So what's the verdict, hero? Am I free to go wreck havoc on corporate asshole's bank account, or are you locking me up?" You hold out your hands in front of you, wrists up, offering yourself for arrest.

But you feel his continued amusement. He's not even mad? He's just....intrigued with you. You're confused and you can't afford to wager that on his actions so you have to think and act fast. He's still smirking at you, even more now after glancing down at your exposed wrists. Then a new emotion surfaces and fades almost as quickly as it appears, but you grab onto it and surge it through his body fiercely - infatuation.

Hawks gasps sharply and you watch his expression change again. There's momentary confusion but then his eyes are different. He studies your face and your still exposed wrists and there's a sudden sense of hunger in his blazing golden eyes. Oops, maybe you pushed a little too hard. While he's distracted feeling as though you're the queen of his earth, you tuck the wallet back into your waistband and walk past him. "Uh, anyway, see ya around hero!"

You break into a run and drop your quirk as you get far enough away. Hawks stands there behind you and shakes his head quickly as though he's clearing the fog from his mind. "Hey wait!" He flaps his wings and they force him up and out of the alley in a flash. He looks around wildly for you, frustration in his golden eyes. You can see him from a distance, but the crowd is too thick now and you've stripped off the identifying grey pants you were just wearing. Once you feel you're far enough away, you glance back and see him landing.

He puts his hands on his hips and sighs deeply while shaking his head. You can tell he's annoyed even out of range to use your quirk, but then you see that smirk full of intrigue return to his features. It looks as though a chuckle escapes his lips as a young boy with the head of a raven runs up to him. He's huffing and Hawks' demeanor completely changes to upbeat as he pats the kid on the back a few times. You grin, knowing he's too distracted now to come after you and you've gotten away, but as you're walking away, Hawks looks around behind him, still searching the crowd for the mysterious woman he just encountered.

Vigilante Songbird (Hawks x Reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ