Chapter Six

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Hawks felt the rush of the wind under his wings as he flew through the night sky. The freedom of flying through the sky had always excited him, but his smile was influenced by more than just the night wind. His thoughts were filled with you. He grabbed his phone from his pocket and checked the calendar app for the date of your next show. He found it easily and clicked it to see the details. It was only three days from now and it was another night show, but his face fell when he scrolled to see the wasn't there. He cursed under his breath. The call from the commission must have interrupted you putting in the details. He would check every bar to find hear that voice again.

His wings twitched and his breath hitched at the sudden assault of pleasure. My feathers...someone touched one? He closed his eyes and focused on where it was to call it back. Didn't need anyone getting ahold of his feathers like that. He gasped and his eyes flew open. It's Y/N! She picked up one of them!  That signature smirk spread across his face again as he landed on the roof of the hero commission building. As he descended the steps he breathed a sigh of relief. No location was needed if you held onto his feather because he would always know where you were. 

He walked down to the proper floor and into the office where the president of the commission was waiting. She sat behind her desk and looked as poised as ever. Hawks tipped his head to her and stood relaxed with his hands in his pockets. "Thank you for checking in. What is your latest report?" Her voice was always so cold and direct. 

"I've gained their trust, at least enough that we're having regular meetings at this point. I've only had individual interactions with one member at this point, but he's been...helpful." Hawks shrugs. He didn't have as much information as he had hoped by this point except that the league was planning an attack soon - something big. "I have another meeting with my contact in a few days. I'll have more to report by then." The President nods and waves her hand to dismiss him.

Hawks gives a formal salute and turns to leave. He's immediately bombarded by thoughts of you again. Your voice rings through his mind as he takes off from the rooftop. He checks the time on the face of his phone and realizes you should be home by this point if you didn't live too far away. Once again he focuses on the feather's location and finds you. You're humming something lowly and softly singing a line or two every now and again, but he doesn't recognize the song. He listens intently and as if on instinct, follows the feather to you like a lifeline. While he listens to you hum, he smiles and lets his eyes close overcome by the sense of comfort he feels. It's not long before he feels himself come to a stop. He's found you. His eyes fly open and he looks around.

He scans the building to zero in on you. He looks down at a lit window on the side of the apartment complex. His wings glide him down closer and he looks from a safe distance. If it's you, he doesn't want to scare you. Your words ring through his mind - Are you following me, hero?  A chuckle escapes his lips. 

There you are. The windows to your apartment are floor-length and without curtains. He studies the building and determines you're on at least the 8th floor of the building. He blushes when he realizes he's looking right into your bedroom. You're laying on your bed wearing a t-shirt and some loose shorts. He studies you closer and realizes you're holding his feather again. You're examining it while holding its base between two fingers. The feather turns in your fingers' grasp and your eyes seem entranced by its crimson radiance. He watches you pull it in closer and take a whiff. 

"Weird, but cute," he smiles around the words.

Hawks watches as you run the feather down the side of your face and close your eyes to its gentle touch. He sighs and closes his own eyes feeling the caress of your skin. How he wished his hand could be where his feather was. He wanted to feel your face in his hand. He imagined running his thumb gently across your lip before grabbing your chin and pulling your face up to meet his for a kiss. A groan escaped from his throat as his head fell back with the thought. Pleasure assaulted him again and his wings quivered. His eyes flew open to see you running your fingers across the surface of his feather again.

"Damn, kid. You don't even know what you're doing to me," he was breathing heavily and he felt his pants tightening at the front as his cock hardened underneath. His hands went to his face and he ran them through his hair as his eyes rolled back in his head. I can't stay here. I'll go crazy with desire. 

His wings extended fully and pushed him up through the night. His breaths were heavy but he let his wings carry him away from you. Eventually, he stopped feeling you touch his feather, but he couldn't stop thinking about the way your fingers caressed it. It made him hungry. God, he wanted you so badly. He tried to slow his breathing and calm himself as he landed on his own balcony. He stripped off his heavy jacket and leaned against the cool glass of the window. Still panting, he closed his eyes and saw your face flashing through his mind. 

My little songbird...I'll see you again soon.

Vigilante Songbird (Hawks x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now