Chapter Twenty-One

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Buckle up buttercups. This chapter is gonna be bumpy. MAJOR SPOILERS AHEAD!! And a quick reminder that this story is LOOSELY based on the original story and events of MHA.

Also, have a happy holiday this weekend if you live in the states and celebrate the fourth! I'll be publishing more on Monday, the fifth. AND I'm releasing the first two chapters of my NEW Dabi fanfic - Achille's Heel! <3

Your eyes snapped to Keigo who had gotten to his feet. He was staring daggers at Dabi who wore a smug expression and crossed his arms over his chest. "Wait...what is he talking about? You two...know each other?"

Dabi grinned and leaned against the wall. "Oh yeah, been acquainted for a while now."

"Shut up." Keigo spoke through gritted teeth. His knuckles were turning white they were gripping his blade so hard.

You shook your head in disbelief and stared at him with wide eyes. "" Keigo continued to stare at Dabi without responding. You grabbed his arm and turned him to face you. His wings extended out and his eyes were wide and looked wild as he fumed with anger. His expression slowly softened when he looked at you. "How do you know him?"

His chest rose and fell as he let out a deep sigh and pinched the bridge of his nose. "This is not how I wanted to tell you... And to find out that he is your ex. Fuck." He groaned.

"Tell me what, Keigo?" You were done holding back at this point. You needed answers.

"Y/N, I...I've been working with the league." He sounded defeated as his shoulders slouched. You jerked your hand from him and took a step back. You felt like his words had slapped you across the face. "Listen, I can explain." He dropped the blade to the ground and reached for you. His eyes were searching your face and there was a desperate need you felt from within him that begged you to understand.

Dabi chuckled from his place in the room. "Not such a perfect hero after all is he, doll?"

You snapped your gaze to him and snarled. "Shut up, Touya. You're not off the hook either." He flinched from the use of his name and cleared his throat, looking away from you both.

The color drained from Keigo's face as he turned to look at Dabi. "Hold on...did you say Touya?" His brows furrowed in thought and he looked at the burn scars covering his face, chest, and arms. "As in...Touya To-"

"Todoroki." Dabi finished for him. "Dear old dad still talks about me? I'm flattered." His voice was dripping with sarcasm.

"You're supposed to be-"

"Dead? Yeah, I'm not."

Keigo looked like he had seen a ghost. His mouth was gaping and he slowly turned to look at you. "That's what you meant when you told Endeavor you had heard a lot about him..." You nodded solemnly.

Touya was picking at a staple on his hand, not looking at either of you. "I'd appreciate if you kept my being alive between the three of us. My father doesn't need to know...yet." His voice was gravelly and low.

Keigo opened his mouth to speak but you cut him off with a stern look. "Of course we will. That's not our secret to tell." His golden eyes darted between you and Dabi but eventually settled on you. He was full of confusion and disappointment at learning maybe the hero he looked up to wasn't the shining example he thought he was.

You squeezed the bridge of your nose and shook your head in frustration. "Ok. Sit. Both of you." You motioned towards the soaking wet couch which had a chunk missing from the back, charred around the edges of the fresh hole Touya's flames had created.

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