Chapter Thirty-Three

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Helloooo and thank you SO MUCH for 1300 reads. I'm overwhelmed by the love you all are showing my writing. Just a subtle reminder that I have a Patreon tier dedicated to my fanfic writing now. So check out my link in my bio if you're interested in that. Not at all a requirement but there will be exclusive stuff posted there so keep that in mind! <3

The next few weeks flowed along as usual. You had your regular gigs in between working with Hawks' agency. Patrols were unusually busy as of late which made you a little nervous. There had been more and more villainous activity happening and it was making things difficult for the heroes who are trying their best to keep everyone safe and help them feel secure in their cities.

Today was a surprisingly slow day and you had been stuck at the agency behind a desk for most of the day. Keigo had asked you to help with some paperwork while he ran out and did some "out of office errands" as he had called them. He'd assured you that if you helped out in the office while he did the other things, the two of you could take an early day off. You sighed and agreed begrudgingly.

"Just try to think on the bright side, Y/N," you mumbled to yourself as you typed away, entering data from recent patrols. "Soon enough you and Keigo will be relaxing at home with fried chicken, popcorn, and alcohol. It's fine. Just get through it."

"Fried chicken, mmm."

You looked up and saw Keigo standing in the door frame of your office. He was rubbing his stomach and had a mock expression of euphoria as he licked his lips. You laughed at him and he beams a smile in response.

"As great as that sounds, I had bigger plans for dinner tonight. I was thinking we could go somewhere a little more extravagant," he says as he saunters over to you. He grabs your office chair and turns you to face him, grinning from ear to ear. "Ya know, like that new upscale sushi place that opened downtown."

"Keigo," you chuckle and sit up to give him a quick peck on the mouth. "That place has been booked since they opened. So unless you called before their opening, I'm not sure how we're going to manage that."

He raised a brow at you and cocked his head to the side. "Who said I didn't do just that? It is a special occassion."

Your eyes widened and you turned quickly to look at the date. Your anniversary.

"Oh my gosh, Keigo. I'm so sorry," you groan and put your hands over your face, trying to hide the pink in your cheeks. "I...I didn't forget I swear. We've just been so busy lately and I-"

He chuckles and cuts you off with a kiss. He grabs your hands and pulls you up to stand, wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you close. "It's fine, baby. I get it. We've been stressed. have been stressed," he teases.

You smack him on the chest and he laughs. You two share a kiss again and you feel yourself melt into his embrace. Someone clears their throat at the door and you both turn to see Hawks' intern from UA, Tokoyami. You pull from him a little and he keeps one hand wrapped around your waist as he turns to face him.

"Heyyy Tsukuyomi! You're good to go for the day. We're knocking off a little early."

He nods from the door frame and gives a short bow to Keigo. "Very well, Hawks. Enjoy your evening." He nods to you and offers another short bow. "Good afternoon, Sensational. I wish you a pleasant evening." The young boy turns and leaves.

"He's such an interesting kid," you say. "Crazy intelligent, though."

Keigo nods and chuckles. "Kid's got way more potential than he gives himself credit for." He shrugs and looks at the computer screen. "You almost done here?"

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