Chapter Twenty-Four

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Hawks got to the warehouse he and Dabi had used for their past meetings. He walked in and saw Dabi sitting on top of a box in a corner of the building. He let his wings carry him over to where Dabi was. He was still feeling frustrated from the argument he had just had with you, but he was doing his best to not let that show. There was no way he'd give this asshole ammunition to use against him.

"Someone's quiet. I'm used to hearing your obnoxious voice any time you get here since you can't seem to shut up." Dabi scoffed when Hawks landed in front of him.

"Yeah well, I'm still pretty tired after all the clean-up I had to help Y/N with."

Dabi scowled and got to his feet. He narrowed his eyes at Hawks.

"Look, I'm not here to argue or have a dick measuring contest. Let's get this meeting over with." Keigo's eyes pierced into him.

Dabi chuckled. "Someone's grumpy. Hope I didn't cause any trouble in paradise."

"My relationship with Y/N is none of your fucking business." Hawks sneered at Dabi and shoved his hands into the front pocket on his hoodie.

A smug look painted Dabi's features and he placed a hand on his hip. He stood tall and squared his shoulders. "Uh oh, seems I struck a nerve. I guess Y/N isn't as over me as she puts on."

Hawks formed a blade from his wings and pointed the tip at Dabi's throat. "Do not say her name. You don't have the right." He spoke through a clenched jaw. "The stunt you pulled last night was way out of line."

Dabi pushed the blade from his throat and gave a low chuckle. There was a searing heat that radiated from his palm against Hawk's blade. "You're not exactly innocent either, bird brain."

"All I did was defend her. You're the one who destroyed her apartment."

Dabi rolled his eyes and growled. "I told you. I would never hurt her. That's not why I was there." A flame appeared in his palm and he pulled it back, ready to attack Hawks. "She needed to know who she was dealing with. She hates being lied to, ya know." He grinned.

Hawks swung the blade at him with a yell. Dabi dodged the swing and sent a blast of blue flames at Hawks. He flapped his wings to move out of the path. Another blast zipped past him in the air. Hawks sent some stiffened feathers down to Dabi and they caught the shoulders of his jacket. Dabi flung his arms back and let the feathers jerk the jacket from his arms. He held out both arms and shot a wider blast of fire at Hawks. He zipped to the side but the tips of his wings were seared by the heat. He groaned with pain and turned back, preparing to shoot down from the air at Dabi and slash at him again.

"That's enough." A raspy voice echoed in the warehouse as a slouching man with pale blue hair in a red coat stepped out from the shadows. His own hands were in his pockets and he had a white plaster hand covering his face.

Hawks' eyes snapped in his direction. Dabi groaned and put out his flames. He shot a glare in Shigaraki's direction before sitting atop the box from before. Hawks' wings beat slowly as he stayed suspended in the air. Several of his feathers stiffened and floated around him, ready to attack if needed.

"We didn't come here for you to have a little quarrel over Y/N." Shigaraki's voice was full of irritation. He looked up at Hawks and reached to scratch at his neck. "Relax, feathers. We're not here to fight." He shot another look at Dabi who scoffed and looked away from both of them.

Hawks landed, but held a tight grip on the feather blade and kept his distance. Shigaraki glanced at the blade and snickered. "Sorry but I don't trust him." Keigo jerked his chin at Dabi.

"So be it." Shigaraki shrugged. "Let's get started shall we?" He stood relaxed and slouched against a stack of boxes as he continued. "Dabi and I have some concerns about your level of loyalty to the league and our cause."

Keigo took a deep breath and let the blade go. His feathers softened and rejoined the folds of his wings. "I know it may seem like I'm not by continuing my work as a hero, but keeping up appearances with the public is important. If I start to slack off, I won't be as useful to you."

Shigaraki nodded. Dabi sat back on the box and was watching Hawks with a bored expression.

"We have a request for you. Something that will ensure us that you are loyal. Without a doubt," said Shigaraki.

A low chuckle came from Dabi. Hawks glanced at him and saw he was grinning smugly. "What do you have in mind?" Keigo asked.

"You don't need to know that just yet, but we'll let you know when it's time." Dabi's tone matched his smug expression.

"Understood." Hawks nodded.

"Soon after, I'd like to introduce you to the rest of the league."

Dabi's gaze turned to Shigaraki. "What? Why?"

He shrugged at Dabi's words. "Once we know we can trust him, I see no reason we shouldn't."

"But he-"

"Your jealousy is not a good reason to exclude him from our plans." Shigaraki jerked his head to glare at Dabi. He scoffed and looked away from him.

They continued to discuss some future plans with Hawks and he fed them inconsequential information about the commission and their investigations. He had to give them something to build the level of trust...otherwise this mission would be pointless and without gain. Once they were finished, Shigaraki turned to leave.

Dabi stood up and skewered Hawks with a glare.

"Did you have something to say?" Hawks spoke with a cold tone.

Dabi looked away from him and relaxed his stance. He pulled a cigarette out of his pocket and brought it to his lips. "Take care of her. I hope she finds the peace she needs with you. I couldn't be what she needed..." His voice sounded strained as he spoke. He lit the cigarette and took a long draw from it. "She was the first person in a very long time to actually make me feel something genuine." He met Hawk's gaze then. "I still don't know if it was real, but damn it felt good." Dabi chuckled and ashed his cigarette. "But if you fuck it up, bet your ass I'll be there to pick up your slack." He gave him a smug grin before turning to leave with Shigaraki.

Hawks stood there clenching and unclenching his fists. He replayed the conversation you had before he left. He didn't give you peace with how he had reacted to your fear...he knew that's what your feelings stemmed from. And he couldn't blame you. You saw what the commission had done with so many heroes. Of course, you thought it would be the same for you.

He left the warehouse and flew back home with the cover of night to hide him. He landed on the balcony and looked inside. You were sitting on the couch in a loose t-shirt, shorts, and long socks watching a movie and eating popcorn. His feather was around your neck which made him smile. He lifted it up and turned your chin to face the balcony.

Your eyes filled with tears and you moved the bowl to get up from the couch. He slid the balcony door open and caught you as you ran into his arms. You sobbed into his chest and he held you tightly against him.

"I'm sorry," you sobbed into his hoodie.

"I am, too." he pressed his forehead into your shoulder and suppressed his own tears. "I know you're scared, but I'm here. And I will always be here, Y/N. We'll face the commission together...when you're ready."

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