Chapter Thirty-Four

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***If you haven't watched up to current (Season 6) there are a few potential spoilers here!

The cab pulls up at the address Dabi sent you. It's a rundown restaurant on a fairly deserted side of town. You pay the fare and get out. You're standing there looking around in confusion when you hear someone call your name. You turn and look in the direction of the sound and see Dabi standing outside of a warehouse. He motions for you to cross the street to him.

"What the hell, Dabi?" You hiss as you reach him.

He shushes you and turns to walk down the side of the building. He opens a metal door and motions for you to enter. You look at him skeptically but follow him anyway. He may be your ex, but you know he'd honestly never hurt you...he still loves you too much. You walk in and look around. It's dark save for a small hanging lightbulb in the middle of the room.

Dabi walks past you into the room and you follow. He points to an open space behind some boxes and crates. "Hide here."

"What? Why?" You cross your arms over your chest and give him a hardened expression.

He sighs and grabs your arms, pushing you over to the space. "Just trust me, Y/N. And stay quiet."

You stamp your feet and snarl at him. "No, Touya! Not until you give me some fucking answers!"

He pinches the bridge of his nose and clenches his jaw. "Ok listen, you wouldn't believe me if I told you. That's why I need you to see it for yourself. Just wait. He'll be here soon." He turns away from you and walks out into the dimly lit room.

You start to speak again but you hear the screech of rusted metal and your eyes widen. A gust of wind rustles the dust in the room. You get down on the floor and hide in the space Touya placed you in. You shield your eyes against the dust floating around the room and slowly look up when it begins to settle.

"I see you found it," Touya's deep voice echoes in the room.

"Yeah, and I've got the target," you hear Keigo's voice, harder than you're used to it being.

Touya chuckles and walks over to him. Keigo slings a large duffle bag off his shoulder and tosses it onto the ground between the two of them. He sighs and scowls at Dabi as he walks over and kicks at it.

"Is that all? I've got places to be," he grumbles.

Your eyes fall to the bag and you see Dabi bend down next to it. He pulls the zipper down and opens the bag. You have to clasp your hands over your mouth as to not alert Keigo to your presence in the room. In the duffle bag, you see the body of pro hero Best Jeanist. He's got a deep purple bruise on his cheek and his clothes are disheveled. There's blood staining his side. He lies completely still not moving even in the slightest. You try to push out with your quirk, but you feel nothing...he's lifeless.

Tears swell up in your eyes and cloud your vision. You feel like your heart has dropped out of your chest and hit the cold hard ground of the warehouse when you take in the sight before you.

"Did he struggle?" Dabi's voice rings in the room.

"Does it matter?" Keigo retorts. "You wanted a hero dead to prove that I'm loyal to the league. I'm already helping you get to Endeavor so I chose someone else. We're dismantling them one by one," he shrugs.

Dabi chuckles. "How did it feel?"

"Again, does that matter? I did the job. I've proved my alignment to the league. What's the next assignment?" Hawks' voice is cold...something you don't even recognize.

Tears are flowing down your cheeks in sheets and you can't contain it anymore. You choke on a sob and shake your head back and forth, in disbelief of what you're seeing. Both of them turn to look in your direction. You hear a gasp and hurried footsteps across the floor.

"I don't think she wants to talk to you right now," Dabi growls and puts out his arm to stop Keigo.

His eyes are frantic as he looks from Dabi to you sobbing on the ground. "Oh god, Y/N..." He shakes his head back and forth with a horrified look on his face.

You snap your head in his direction. "Why? Why would you...lie to me?!" Your words are shrill and you choke them out between your sobs. "You killed him! are with the league!"

The more you speak the more clear your voice gets. Even though you're still crying, you're furious now. You slowly get to your feet and he reaches for you. You scoff at him and grit your teeth.

"You're a fucking traitor, Keigo. Is that why you were so worried about Touya turning me against you? Because he knew the truth." You shake your head. "All while I was playing the fool...I trusted you," you sob.

He shakes his head frantically and shoves Touya's arm out of the way to close the distance between the two of you. Dabi shoves his hands into his pockets and turns to face you, his mouth pressed into a hard line and his eyes are cold and dark. Keigo stands in front of you but you can't even look at him.

"No...Y/N...please," he chokes on a sob. His eyes flicker back to Dabi. "I...I can explain. Please, just...come home with me, baby."

"NO!" You screech and fling your pain at him.

Sonic waves slam into his chest, causing him to falter back and fall to the floor. He steadies himself and stands up again, taking a few shaky steps towards you.

"Y/N..." Keigo whispers, sounding defeated.

Touya walks over to you as you sneer at Keigo. "We can go whenever you're ready," Dabi's raspy voice mumbles.

You make a sound of exaggerated frustration and run your hands through your hair. You attempt a deep breath but just end up choking on more sobs. You shake your head back and forth through the anger and the pain and can't control the tears that flow from your eyes. You just nod and start walking for the door.

"Wait...Y/N! Where are you going," you hear Keigo's shaky and panicked voice.

You try another deep breath and are able to control it a little more this time. "Wherever you aren't," you say coldly.

You shut out the emotions of the two men around you, not wanting to feel anything. You want to run. You want to escape. You can't believe you fell for his tricks. You can't believe he lied to you. The man you gave everything to. The man you loved...still love. Fuck. You grit your teeth when the tears start flowing again and your chest heaves with heavier sobs. You try to walk but your legs give out and you hit the floor, a shattered shaking mess.

"I've got you," a deep voice says and arms wrap around you. "Leave the body. We'll be back to collect it," he says over his shoulder. Touya cradles you in his arms and walks out of the warehouse with you. You lean into his chest and sob and scream, letting all the pain consume you.

When you and Touya leave, Keigo falls to the floor and screams. Feathers fly out of his wings and pierce the boxes and the walls around the warehouse. His fists slam into the ground and he lets his tears flow. He stays there for what seems like hours, grieving.

He can't believe he lost you. He can't believe he lied to you. And you think he's a traitor...all because he had to keep up his appearances for the league. All because he had to be successful in his mission to infiltrate them. He had promised you that nobody would or could take you away from him ever again...another lie. You were gone, and it was all his fault.

He sits back on his knees and inhales deeply as his eyes close. He opens them slowly when he feels that he has control of his breathing and he's stopped crying. A shaky hand reaches into his pocket and he pulls out a black velvet ring box. He stares at the box before slowly snapping it open to reveal the shimmering diamond ring nestled atop a ring of tiny rubies. His chest heaves with another sob and he closes the box, gripping it tightly in his fist.

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