Chapter Four

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Songs Mentioned: Pretty Girl by Maggie Lindemann & Silence by First to Eleven

It was gig time. You were setting up on stage with the band and the energy that always made you feel so alive was running through your veins. Casha and Shino were heavily flirting on one end of the stage. Her hand was on his chest and she was leaning into him as she giggled and smiled. You couldn't help but smile and shake your head. "Hey Cas, he has to finish setting up! You can climb him like a tree later!" Her cheeks heated as you felt the wave of embarrassment come off her body. Shino's head fell back in a hearty laugh. They let go of each other and Cas took a seat on a barstool while Shino joined the rest of you to finish setting up.

You could feel the excitement in the room all around you. Your bandmates were full of sparks just as you were. You all finished setting up the stage and then took a celebratory pre-show shot together as tradition. Cas and Shino shared a little kiss before you went up to the stage to get the show started. The band confirmed that you all had the correct setlists and you all took your places on the stage.

To get things started you greeted the bar and thanked them all for coming out tonight. "All right, who's ready to get this party started?" You shouted into the microphone and your band started playing the chords for the first song. Your bandmates start snapping on the beat to start the song off. Casha cheers you all on with the rest of the crowd that's gathered in the bar. You gripped the mic like a full-blown superstar and started bobbing your head to the beat of the song.

I can swear, I can joke, I say what's on my mind

If I drink, if I smoke, I keep up with the guys - you move to your guitar player as you sing this line and share a look and a nod between you.

And you'll see me holding up my middle finger to the world

Fuck your ribbons and your pearls, 'cause I'm not just a pretty girl

As the song states, you hold up your middle finger to the sky and start dancing around on stage and swaying your hips to the music as you sing. The other ladies in the audience cheer a little louder as you sing and they shout compliments at you through the entire track. You've always loved singing this song because it filled you with such fire and pride in being a strong woman. You could feel that same vibe coming from other women in the crowd and it filled you with a sense of pride overall.

The first song ended and the bar erupted with cheers and clapping from the crowd. You beamed a smile at the crowd and thanked them for their praise. Moving into the next song you looked around at your bandmates and all of you were so in sync. The surge of emotions going through you all was filled with ecstatic energy and you were feeding on it like a four-course meal fueling your drive and passion to sing.

As the gig went on you continued to sing your heart out. You were feeding off the emotions of the crowd as you sang power ballads, emotionally-driven songs, love songs, and so on. You took your first break after about 15 songs or so. Cas rushed over to you with a couple of shots in hand and gave you one. "You're doing absolutely amazing! I've got to know what that first song was. That's a new one for you guys, right?" You nodded and cheered her with the shots before taking yours.

"I'll just give you a copy of the setlist after the show," you tell her.

Patrons from the bar began to bombard you with praise and you suddenly had people talking to you from all sides. You thank them each for the compliments to your singing. You stayed in the crowd chatting with fans for a while, making sure you listened to them more than talking yourself so that you could preserve your voice. Some might see it as wrong, but you used your quirk to your advantage during gigs, making sure to mention the tip jar to anyone who was filled with passion for your band.

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