Chapter One

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"Oh come on y/n! Just admit it.....he's hot!" your best friend Casha was curled up on the couch next to you with the tv blaring across the room from the two of you. You were watching the hero billboard chart special on the news and she was going crazy for all the men in their tight spandex with bulging muscles. 

You roll your eyes and chuckle at her wide eyes and her flailing hands. "They're just not my type, Cas." You raise your wine glass to your lips and look back at the tv screen. 

They were talking about the retirement of All-Might and the effect it would have on everyone. You were thinking about how that may be true in some ways, but not all the ones they were going on about. After years of working in the offices of hero agencies, you had seen they weren't all the great influences they put on to be. All-Might was one of the good ones though. You had to admit, you were sad to see him stepping down from his mantle of the symbol of peace. Who was supposed to take his place now?

The announcer started going down the list of the top ten heroes and Casha was a puddle of goo as they showed Kamui Woods, Crust, and Edgeshot in their respective spots. You laughed at her and shook your head. "They don't even know you exist, Cas. Why waste the energy on them?" Her emotions kept bombarding you like bullets from an assault rifle - glee, intrigue, curiosity, infatuation, lust. 

She looked over in your direction and noticed your arm closest to her twitch on the surface. "Oh gosh, I'm sorry. I'm being really overwhelming for you aren't I?" She cringed at her own actions and apologized to you. "I'll try to keep it a little more under control." 

You laughed and pat her knee. "Don't worry about it, I'll block it out if it gets overwhelming."

A sarcastic tone caught your attention. You look back at the television and see a young winged hero grab the microphone from the announcer. "Oh, this guy. He's still pretty new on the scene but he's made a big name for himself. Hawks," you say his name with exaggeration. Cas pushes your shoulder and giggles. 

"Be nice! He's the hottest of them all, but definitely not my type. He's too...." she looks to the ceiling as if the word she's searching for is painted up there.

While she thinks, you listen to him go on about how he believes this is nothing but fluff. "Maybe we should stop pretending and say what's on our minds, huh?" His voice is sure and almost passive-aggressive as he floats in the air, beating his massive crimson wings. 

"Honest?" you hear the word slip from your lips to finish Casha's sentence. She cackles and picks up her wine glass from the table in front of her. Before she takes a sip she says, "Yeah, sure. He's just so pretentious! Like who does that guy think he is shaming all the top heroes on live television?"

You sit back and continue to watch the broadcast, newly intrigued by this winged man who seems to have zero issues calling things as they are. A smirk spreads across your lips and you casually sip your wine. Casha looks at you and sees that look on your face. You feel her bubbly excitement slam into you. "Oh my gosh! You're into him!" She laughs and her head falls back with the outburst. Your only response is to roll your eyes and adjust your seating on the couch to cross your legs underneath you. "You can't fool me, madam. I've seen that look on your face before when you were seeing mister mystery you never let me meet! But you always got that same look in your eyes when you read his texts or talked about him." 

She was right, your face was always a dead giveaway when you were intrigued by someone. So what if you were? It's not every day you hear a hero echoing your thoughts about the fake attitudes in the media. It was refreshing and very...enticing. Maybe you would do some research on this guy and find out if he's practicing what he's preaching on the live broadcast to the country right now.

Casha groaned next to you and you noticed she had grabbed her phone. "What's wrong?" you ask her. She shakes her head and thrusts her phone out to you. The screen shows a text conversation between her and someone named Ako. His message reads: Interested in working some overtime tonight? I've got a special job for you.

"Who's this?"

"It's my boss." She pulls her phone back and lets it drop onto the couch cushion. "He's been hitting on me for weeks and all these passes he keeps making at me are getting old."

You feel your eyes roll and you take a big sip from your glass. "Can't you just report him to HR?"

"No," she groans and puts her face in her hands. "His wife works in the HR department and it's on a completely different floor. He hides it well because he knows she will never believe all the accusations." 

"All of them?"

"Yeah, he's done this with every office assistant he's had. And that's the only way to move up is to, 'work overtime' with him." She sighs deeply and shakes her head, putting her face back into her hands. "I've managed to avoid him for a few weeks now, but he's not going to be patient forever. I'll have to give him what he wants or be pushed onto a different floor with a demotion."

Your cheeks heated with anger as you felt her anguish and discomfort radiating from her body. You knew you could do something about him, but you couldn't tell Cas that. You placed your hand onto her knee and she puts her hand on top of yours. "I'm sorry you have to deal with that. Just promise me you'll keep avoiding him for as long as you can. Hey! Use me as your excuse tonight." She nodded her head and typed out a response and hit send. You could tell she was still upset, but it would be handled soon. You would make sure of it.

Vigilante Songbird (Hawks x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now