Chapter Sixteen

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Perfect song to listen to for this chapter: Spoiled by Ant Saunders

The next morning, Keigo had to leave for an early patrol. You had washed his clothes from the mess the two of you had made the day before. As he was getting dressed he tossed his phone to you. "There's a coffee delivery app on there. Why don't you order your favorite? I'll have to pick mine up on the way to work." He slid into his pants and fastened his belt. "Oh! They have really good breakfast sandwiches and scones, too. Get what you want, songbird. It's on me." He winked at you and slipped into his jacket.

You smiled at him and punched in your order - a breakfast sandwich and a mocha latte. He walked over to you and slid the phone into his pocket when you handed it back to him. Keigo dipped you for a kiss and it made you giggle. He pulled you back up and wrapped you in a hug. The two of you walked through your apartment and over to the balcony window. Keigo slid the door open and stepped outside. You walked out with him and leaned against the rail.

"Will I see you tonight?" You asked. A warmth spread through him when he smiled at your question.

"Can't keep crashing here all the time. You might think I like you or something." He teased and you playfully jabbed him in the arm. "I was actually going to invite you to my place."

You smiled at him and planted a kiss on his cheek. "I'd love that."

"Great! I'll pick you up after my patrol." He beamed one of those full smiles at you and pulled his glasses down over his eyes. "I love you, Y/N."

"I love you, too." Your chest warmed at the love you shared. You could feel his adoration for you within him and it was a comfort to your past wounds. His wings extended and he took off. The wind whipped around you and you raised your arms to cover your face against his wing beats. Once he was a fair distance from your balcony, he streamlined his body and zipped away.

You walked back inside and went to your bedroom to grab your phone. Better call Casha and fill her in. She'd take your head off if you went dress shopping without her. She picked up on the third ring and sounded like she had been asleep. "Oh, sorry. I didn't mean to wake you."

"What time is it?" She yawned around the words. "Holy shit, girl. It's not even 8 in the morning. Why are you up so early?"

"Well...I had company last night. And he had to leave early."

She gasped into the phone. "Oh my gosh, was it Hawks?!" You laughed at her sudden mood change. "It was!! He's been staying over quite a bit the last week. I'm proud of you! You haven't run him off yet." Her cackle mixed with another yawn.

You rolled your eyes and sighed. "Yeah yeah... Well, I really like him, Cas. Actually maybe a little more than that..." Her squealing made you jerk your phone from your ear and curse. "Jesus! A warning!"

"I'm sorry, but did my best friend who has said she would never settle down with a man just admit that she has feelings for one?!" It sounded like she was holding her breath waiting for your response in the silence.

You glanced over to your nightstand and picked up the chain Keigo's feather hung from. You slipped it over your head and let it hang down between your breasts. Your hand gently rested over it and you replayed the night before in your mind. You did love him. This wasn't just a fling or a fleeting relationship with no meaning. 

"Yeah, Cas. I...I love him." The silence on the other line continued and you cleared your throat. "Hello?"

Casha sputtered in disbelief. "Wow... Y/N, I haven't heard you say that about a guy in like...a really long time. You really are serious about him."

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