Chapter Thirty-Six

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The next morning, you open your eyes and see Toga sprawled out next to you. She had made a massive bed of pillows and blankets in the floor for the two of you in her room. You move off the blankets slowly so you don't disturb her and grab your phone before slipping out of the room into the hallway. You press your back against the wall and take a deep breath.

You unlock your phone and call Casha. "Hey girl, I have a favor to ask you."

"Sure, babe! What's up?" Her chipper voice grates your wounded spirit and you sigh into the phone. "Uh oh...Y/N what's wrong?"

You clench your jaw and blink away the tears that try forming in your eyes. She says your name softly when you don't answer. You try to contain it, but you end up choking on a sob before words will form.

"Oh honey," her tone changes immediately. "What's going on? Talk to me. Where are you?"

"I...I can't tell you where I am," you sigh, getting a hold of your tears again. "But...Cas, Keigo and I broke up."

She gasped into the phone and there was a pause on the other end. "Oh my gosh, Y/N... Do you want to talk about it?"

You sigh and wipe your hand across your face. "Maybe later... I'll let you know when I'm headed to your place, ok?"

"Ok, honey. I love you. I'm so sorry," she speaks softly and sincerely.

"Love you too, Cas." You mumble and end the call. You press your head back against the wall and stare at the ceiling. Feeling it and actually saying it out loud were two different pains.

Your head pivots to the right when you hear a door open. Dabi walks out in loose black sweatpants rubbing the corner of his eye. He catches a glimpse of you and pauses, looking down the hallway.

"Um, hey," he says softly.

"Hey," you whisper. "I need to go."

He sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose. One of his hands runs through his hair and he nods. He turns back into his room and comes out again a few minutes later fully dressed in jeans and a hoodie with black sneakers.

"Get your things. I'll be waiting in the kitchen."

You gather your things from their scattered places in Touya's room and Toga's room. You go into Touya's bathroom. The black dress Keigo bought you is lying in a heap on the floor. You pick it up and clutch it to your chest. Tears flood your eyes again and you clench your jaw, willing them to go away.

When you've got everything together, you walk into the kitchen. Toga is standing there in a long t-shirt that covers most of her body. Her hair is down and a tangled mess. She yawns and gives you a hug.

"Bye, Y/N. Come hang out with us again soon, 'kay?" Her voice is full of sleep. You nod and hug her tightly.

Touya leads you through the hideout, his hands shoved down in his pockets. The two of you walk out and you follow him down a sidewalk to the main street. He stops at the corner and motions you forward. You offer a shy smile and he looks away with a clenched jaw.

"Touya," you whisper. "Thank you."

His blue eyes dart to your face and he sighs. "Anytime, doll."

You slowly wrap your arms around him for a hug. The warmth radiates from his heated body. He wraps you up and holds you tightly, his head resting on your shoulder. You can feel his need and longing, but you shut it out quickly. You close your eyes and pull out of his embrace. He gently caresses your face and stares lovingly into your eyes. You look away with flushed cheeks.

"Y/N. I'm sorry about last night. I shouldn't have pushed myself on you like that," he grunts. "But...if you ever find yourself needing company, or you want me to...take care of that thing on your me." He fumbles over his words as if he's struggling to say them or maybe struggling to not say something else, you can't be sure which one.

You nod and start to walk away. You hear him curse behind you, but you can't bring yourself to look at him again. Seeing him want you would be too much right now. You fight the urge to turn back to him and let him whisk you away and help you drown the pain. You can't let yourself fall back into old destructive habits right now.

You get a cab and it takes you back to the agency, where you left your car. When it pulls into the parking garage, you look around nervously. Nobody is there. You get out and go to your driver's side door. Your eyes land on a note attached to your windshield. You sigh and unfold it. The handwriting makes your chest's Keigo's.


I'm sorry. That's all I can say. I know you may not want to hear anything else right now, and I respect and understand that. I wish I could explain...I will if you'll listen. But I understand you're hurt and confused.

I won't be home for a few days, so feel free to go by and get anything you need or stay there if you need a place to stay. I know you probably need space, so that's what I'll give you.

I love you,


You grit your teeth against the tears that form in your eyes. You want to scream, you want to hit something, you want to yell at him, you want to ask him why. You want him.

"Fuck," you choke on a sob and crumble up the note. You open your door and get in, throwing the paper ball in the backseat. Once you're in your car, you let the tears flow and you scream, gripping the steering wheel so tightly your knuckles turn white.


Keigo sits with his head in his hands, his back pressed against the hard concrete wall. He hears you sitting in your car, overcome with pain and sorrow. He feels it, too. He's wracked with guilt and anger at himself for not telling you the truth. He wanted to explain. He wanted to hold you and tell you everything would be ok. He wanted to apologize to your face, not through a stupid note.

He takes a deep breath and sighs. He stands and walks to the edge of the parking garage, taking off into the sky. He closes his eyes against the flow of the wind on his face and the gusts blowing through his hair. It's refreshing, but it doesn't change much.

He recalls the night before, after the disaster that was the mission for the league. Jeanist wasn't dead...he was in a deep unconscious state brought on by some special drugs. He just had to make it look like he was dead to fool Dabi and the rest of the league. He needed you to know that. It would change everything about what you saw. But you thought he was a traitor. You thought he was a villain. You thought he was a liar. Everything Dabi had lied and said he was, you proved him right last night...or at least that's what it looked like to you.

His jaw clenched hard. Dabi. He was sure he had something to do with this. Keigo knew he wanted you for his own...of course he would do anything he could to turn you against him. You knew it too. He'd asked you once not to let that happen...he'd pleaded with you. But this was a special didn't know that's what had happened. You just knew what you saw with your own eyes, and that was him bringing a dead body to the league and showing his "loyalty" to them.

Keigo scoffed and dipped down to the roof of his apartment building. He sat on the edge and looked out over the city. After a while, he heard you arrive at the apartment. You made your way through the home you had made together. There were soft sobs every now and again. Each time he heard them, his eyes squeezed shut and he had to do everything he could to control his urges to go swoop in and hold you in his arms. He wanted to kiss you and reassure you that everything was ok. He wanted to make it all go away...

He sat there listening as you made your way through the place. Eventually, he heard a knock at the door and heard Casha's voice. She had come to help you. He overheard the two of you talking about you staying at Casha's place. He sighed. Of course, you wouldn't want to stay the home you had built together. It would be too much pain...

A couple of hours pass and he hears you getting ready to leave. Casha left ahead of you. Keigo heard you moving around in the bedroom once more. Then the source of his hearing was lifted, placed around your neck, and tucked underneath your shirt. His eyes flew open in shock.

You took his feather with you...

He sighed and grinned a little. At least he'd know you were still safe...even if he couldn't be with you completely, he'd be with you in that small piece. That would have to be enough. He wasn't sure if you'd ever want him any other way...but he'd always be waiting for you.

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