Chapter Seven

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Welcome to Chapter Seven! I'll be introducing a love interest from Y/N's past in this chapter. They will have a repeated occurrence in the story that will follow events of the manga/anime so be aware of potential spoilers from here on out. I hope you're enjoying the story so far. Thank you for reading! <3

Songs mentioned: I'm Not Mad by Halsey

Your band started practicing your new original song before the next gig. Everyone loved your new song. They commended you on the amount of passion you put into the lyrics when you sang, even during the practice runs. There was no way in hell that you were going to tell them what the inspiration for the song was. In your heart, you knew who it was for and there was a part of you that hoped he would catch on, too.

"Let's go through it one more time to nail down the rhythm in the chorus." The rest of the band nodded at you and you started from the top. Each time you sang the song you felt the words deeper in your heart. 

Careful. Don't get too attached. 

Your past was a constant reminder to keep your walls up, even if it was just enough to ensure you didn't get your heart broken. You had grown up watching your father cast you and your mother aside any chance he got. If your father couldn't even be bothered to stick around and make you a priority why would any other man do so? 

You gripped the microphone tighter and sang with all that was within you. Tears pooled in your eyes but you closed them tightly and forbid them to overflow. As the last chords of the song faded away, you opened your eyes again and smiled at your bandmates. "Thank you, guys."

"No, Y/N thank you! This one is going to be a massive hit, I can feel it." Shino beamed at you and gave you a thumbs up. You grinned in response and nodded.


The bar was alive with a vibrant crowd as you helped the band set up for the night's show. You could feel their energy reverberating off the walls. You grasped Shino's arm and looked to your other band members. "It's going to be a good night for tips, guys! I'll find a bigger bucket." You hopped down from the stage and made your way backstage. There was a door that led out back and you remembered seeing one of those giant glass pickle jars outside.

"Fancy seeing you here," a deep raspy voice appeared behind you. It froze the blood in your veins. You knew that voice.

You turned to face him and saw him standing there with his long black coat flapping in the wind. His face was mostly hidden by the shadows, but he had a cigarette hanging from his mouth that lit his features when he inhaled. "What do you want, Dabi?" Your voice was cold and cautious. His emotions were a mess of excitement and frustration. When you called him by his alias, pain flashed through him, but it was quickly replaced by more frustration.

"Oh, so that's how it is now, huh?" He chuckled and drew on the cigarette again. The embers cast a pale glow against the scars along his jaw and his intense blue eyes caught the glare of the flame. The corners of his lips pulled into an amused grin. "I still remember the nights when you screamed out a different name of mine." 

"Yeah well, that's no longer the case. Leave before someone sees you." As you turned away from him to go back inside, he moved closer to you and grabbed your elbow. 

"Wait." His emotions bombarded you as he touched your skin - he was damn near consumed with a longing pain. 

Your head dropped with a deep sigh. "That's not fair..." You pulled your elbow away from him but you could feel him standing so close behind you. The heat that radiated off his body was so familiar to you and you couldn't help but close your eyes when your mind was flooded with memories. No, that's over now.

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