Chapter Forty-Seven

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Things get a little rough in the next few chapters. MANGA SPOILERS ARE AHEAD!! Buckle up, buttercups. <3

You awake to the sound of Keigo's phone ringing the next morning. He grumbles and rolls over in bed to grab it from his nightstand. He groggily answers the phone and sits up quickly in bed. Your eyes fly open at his sudden movement. He turns to look at you as your phone goes off on the other side of the bed. Then it hits was the day of the attack. As you lurch from the bed, you grab your phone and bring it to your ear.

"Where the hell are you?!" Sloane scolds on the line.

"I know, I know. We're coming!"

You can hear sounds of fighting in the background through the phone as you both rush to the closet to throw on your hero costumes. She grunts and yells something away from the phone.

"Well, you better get here quickly. I have no idea where the fuck Dabi is, but you better get here before he does," she yells before hanging up.

You yank up the tights that fit underneath your costume and pull the bodysuit over your hips, pushing your arms through the sleeves. Keigo zips up the back of your black bodysuit as you pull on your boots. He pulls his headphones around his neck and puts on his yellow safety glasses. You flip the hood of your costume over your head and adjust the mask over the bottom half of your face.

The two of you rush to the balcony and he scoops you in his arms before taking off from the ledge. He tucks you into his chest as he flies and you arrive in no time. He swoops in over an explosive battle scene between the league and all the top heroes. Buildings have been reduced to rubble around the city and you can see villains, heroes, and vigilantes alike locked in combat with each other.

Keigo takes you down to the ground and the two of you duck down behind a massive pile of concrete rubble. Sloane runs to you decked out in her signature strappy bodysuit that exposes her sides. She's sprouted two extra limbs and her body is covered in concrete dust from the rubble all around.

"It's about damn time! Burn boy put out a broadcast to the city, telling everyone who he really is and all about his dear old dad," she huffed. She swiveled an arm behind her and pointed up to a building that was half crumbled. "He's up there! I saw his flames just a few minutes ago."

"He's not supposed to hurt anyone," you shook your head with a look of frustration.

Keigo sighed and extended his wings. "I never expected him to follow the rules. Stay here."

Before you could argue, he took off into the sky in the direction of the building. He flapped his wings to hold himself up in the sky before the gaping hole in the side of the crumbling structure. He dipped inside and landed on his feet, rushing through the destroyed hallways and rooms. Keigo pulled a long feather blade from his wings, arming himself in preparation for a fight. As he ran, he passed several heroes knocked out on the ground with remnants of burns on their skin or in their clothes. He looked around for Dabi and narrowed his eyes when he caught sight of the ragged coattail of his black coat flapping behind him as he slipped around a corner.

"Dabi!" He called out to him, anger filling his voice.

The villain stopped and turned back to face him with a smug grin. "Well if it isn't Keigo Takami. We've been waiting for you...traitor."

Twice and two of his clones hurled themselves onto Hawks, grappling him to the ground. Keigo grunted and kicked one of the Twice copies off him, sending it flying into a wall. His feathers pinned the other two against walls to his sides. He rose to his feet quickly and barely dodged a blast of blue flames that came searing towards him.

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