Chapter Three

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The next day you were relaxing at home and waiting for a gig with your band when your phone rang. It was Casha. You picked up and grinned as she spoke into the phone with excitement.

"Oh. My. Goodness. Y/N you will never guess what happened at the office today!" Her tone was full of glee and that little squeal she got when she had hot gossip to share.

You had an idea but of course, you couldn't let her know that. You laughed and rested your hand on your hip casually. "What happened, Cas? Spill the tea." You put sarcastic emphasis on the last two words.

"Okay, so Ako, that asshole from my office got suspended!" She giggled on the other end of the phone. "He got caught using his company card!" The last word was a hushed whisper. Cas sounded so satisfied while she gushed about the situation.

You had to try not to laugh hysterically, knowing every penny was given to sex workers on webcam calls the night before. On each call, you explained the situation to the women and they laughed along with you as you gave them gracious tips. Not only that, but you also used his personal credit cards to donate copious amounts of money to charities dedicated to less fortunate and abused women. This seemed to you like the perfect recompense for his deeds. Still caught in your own thoughts about the perfect revenge you had enacted on him, you realized Cas was waiting for your response. "Wow, that's funny but not really surprising from what you've told me about him."

"Exactly!" You could imagine her throwing her arms out with exasperation. "That's what we've been talking about around the office. Apparently, I'm not the only one he had been treating that way. Girls I would have never even thought would fall for his tactics have been coming forward about his actions!"She pauses to gasp before continuing. "And every woman that works on my floor got these massive bouquets of flowers! They all had these notes attached that just said 'I'm an asshole and you deserve more -Ako.' Of course, the company is trying to keep the chatter about it down, but his wife had a whole meltdown when he got suspended." She sighed into the phone and you pictured her shaking her head. "I feel bad for her honestly. I think she was completely clueless to his misogyny."

You click your tongue a few times. "Poor lady. I hope she gets wise and decides she's better than that." You walk over to the window and stare outside as Casha drones on and on about the things that were coming out about Ako and his actions. Some things are horrific enough to warrant a gasp from you while others are just plain shocking that he would have the audacity to ask so much from these women. Unfortunately, you had seen it all too often. Your parents hated each other growing up and once you finally learned the truth, your father didn't even try to hide his affairs anymore. It was no wonder you didn't give men much credit for being honest.

A figure zipped through the sky and caught your eye. A bird was soaring through the clouds and it caused your thoughts to wander back to your encounter with Hawks yesterday. His feathers were the most gorgeous thing you'd ever seen and his wings looked even more majestic in person. When he flew towards you in the alley you had to focus on not letting your breath catch, giving away just how fascinated you were by him. Ever since the night of the broadcast you had been watching any interview, any news story, anything that involved him. You were curious about him and if he was really as honest and forward as he was that night in his monologue.

"Helloooo," Cas's voice cut through your thoughts. "Where did you go, daydreamer?"

"Oh sorry, something outside caught my attention. What did you say?"

"I saaaaaid what do you think I should wear to the gig tonight to get Shino to notice me?" She drew out the first word and you could tell she was annoyed from her sassy tone. Casha had been sleeping with one of your bandmates since you joined up with the group. It was a little weird for you since you were friends with them both separately, but you entertained her because at least he was nicer than some of the other guys she had spent time with.

You walked into your bedroom and looked in your closet. Your black skinny jeans with spiky rhinestone pockets were definitely on the agenda for tonight's gig. "Well, what are you thinking of wearing? What about that cute shirt you bought last week?" She answered with a coo on the other end of the phone and thanked you for the suggestion. You were glad she didn't probe you about why you went so quiet. Telling her about the encounter with bird boy was not a conversation you wanted to have with her. At least not yet.

The rest of the conversation consisted of you two discussing what you were going to wear and talking about the gig overall. You took out your notepad to go over the setlist for the night and felt inspired. "Hey Cas, I've got to go over some of these new songs we added for tonight. I'll catch you later, okay?" She sounded surprised at your sudden cut-out and end to the call but she let you go anyway.

Immediately your pen started flowing across the page as you wrote down lyrics to a song that had sprung into your mind. You couldn't get those feathers out of your mind. How soft they must be. How beautiful they are. How graceful his movements were in the air. The way they twitched with the changes in his emotions. When they fluttered after you ran your quirk through him before you retreated.

And those'd never seen eyes so captivating. Even shrouded behind his flying glasses you could see the radiant gold that pooled there. When he dipped the lenses down and you really saw them, they caught and held your own gaze. Although you didn't want to admit it, it had made you a little flustered the way he looked at you with all his amusement and intrigue.

It seemed like it only took mere moments for you to put the song in your mind onto paper. You studied what you had written and chewed your pen. Am I crazy for writing this? I mean you don't even know this guy really. Don't be one of those psycho fan girls, Y/N. You rolled your eyes at how ridiculous you felt and closed the notebook.

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