Chapter 74- Welcome To Hollywood.

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"So why not shop around for writers, get her a hit single, lets see about Ciara maybe Cici will give her a chance to open for her tour, lets maybe create a new look, give her a new image." I said laying out plans that could be good.

"Jay? Come on man. Thats not enough, listen man, the only way to make her stick so she can bring around money is a hot scandal and body exposure." Reid refuted.

"So what you thinking?" I asked becoming annoyed.

The room grew silent as I watch Jay Brown and Reid eyes move back and forth at eachother. I knew they had a plan in the first place but what I was confused about was why they just didn't say it.

"Look Jay, we did have a plan that we know would be really good. The plan can ride on until she dies but its a little risky." Jay said

"Whats that?" I asked becoming confused.

"I know you love your girl, I know this is the happiest you've been in years and I respect that, I love that. I will never let anything jepordize that." Reid started.

"Make your point Reid." I voiced.

"If there was a scandal surrounding you and Beyonce's relationship involving a much younger girl the media will eat that shit up." Reid continued.

I pushed my body back imto the chair as I brought my eye brows together in disbelief. I had to replay his words over again because nothing was making sense.

"What the fuck did you just say?" I asked in disbelief.

"Look Jay, Beyonce isn't going no where. We are possibly looking at the next Michael Jackson in a female verison, we already no she's gonna be the Tina Turner, we need to make Rihanna stick. I know it will be risky and trust me it will be challenging but look at it this way. Once You and Bey's name is involved Rihanna will be bringing in the cash. The more cash she brings in the more money in your pocket and once you and Bey are married thats Bey's money too. So even if she acts up or wanna try and make Beyonce believe the rumors are true then she causes her own down fall, because Beyonce can leak this set up and gain about 10 percent from your 25 percent of everything that Rihanna's name is on. Its a perfect plan Jay." Reid continued with a smile.

I looked at Reid dumb founded. Even if this plan would be her only hope I wasn't ready to take that risk. Sitting there as I played his idea back in my head I recalled the night Beyonce opened up to me regarding her ex Lyndell. Even if a rumor like this isn't true I know it wouldn't stop her mind for thinking about. The media never forgets and its filled with speculations which meant every time Rihanna and I would be pictured together someone will start the story back up.

"Reid, I haven't been this happy in my life since my first album dropped. I have never loved or been loved by a woman in my life. I understand that the money would be good but I can't do it. Beyonce is already 12 years younger than me. You don't think she has family memebers and friends around her warning her about my past. If something like this starts up I might just lose her. People already talking about how Rihanna had to sleep with me for a record deal. Not only did it make me look like a cheater but also a phedophlia. I have one good thing going for me in my life and I won't let that get away for someone else's career. Not now not ever. I'm sorry.  Brown? Thats your artist, make her what you think she has to ability to be. I'm out." I said collecting my keys and cellphone as I made my way across the hallway down to the building's exit.

As I walked down the hall way towards the exit I thought about everything that was said. Being with Beyonce has brought on alot of good in my life but not so much for her. Since we were made public and even when persons started speculating she immediately got backlash. From the age difference, my past, what I've done with girls and from my looks.

That by itself was enough to drive anyone crazy and I knew Beyonce was feeling alot but refused to say. We have made it clear our relationship isn't for the public and I knew what the media would be concerned about anyways.

When we started dating? How we started dating? When will we get engaged? When will we get married? Is Beyonce pregnant? Did JayZ cheat and when are we getting a divorce? Its the classic play for celebrities in relationship. Even if I had agreed to this plan, and it was just a set-up I knew Beyonce will start overthinking and eventually start believing things. But the sad part is, even if I didn't agree to it and LA Reid and Rihanna's team leak it I would still be screwed. I knew Beyonce would be a big influence and icon in the industry without a doubt. Which meant, stories surrounding her life would be around forever, which also meant rumors like these would haunt our children and maybe worst end our relationship before it gets a chance to make it marriage.

As I made it to my car I sat down and thought about how shit like this can just get out of hand even without my say. Whats even worst. This will stay around forever and then I have to explain it to my children everything.

Fuck It! Welcome to Hollywood.

The CARTERS- Book 1 {COMPLETED}حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن