"Such tremendous power...!"

"This is it! This is the power that I wanted!" He exclaims as he savors the power he holds.

"Muzaka, go ahead and attack him." Frankenstein orders.

"What?" Muzaka looks at him as if he's crazy even though he already knows how insane Frankenstein is.

"If you face him head-on, we'll support you from behind."

"So you want me to face that monster head-on and get myself hit with that insane power?" Muzaka asked, trying to let Frankenstein understand how crazy his plan is.

"Bingo!" Frankenstein smiles.

"Why should I..."

"We will attack him while his attention is on you." Reina tries to reason to him but it wasn't enough to convince him.

"Who else but you could handle that role? If you know anyone, go ahead and recommend them." Frankenstein waves his hand, gesturing to the three nobles.

"I'll support you!" Reina mouthed at him and that somehow convinces him a bit.

"What are you doing? I said go ahead and recommend someone." Frankenstein insisted while still looking at him.

"Alright, that's enough! I'll do it!" He exhales harshly before swiftly rushing towards Maduke.

"Just make sure you attack him properly!" He added.

"You fool!" Maduke laughs and blocks Muzaka's attack.

"His wounds healed instantly." Muzaka grits his teeth together as Maduke shrugs off his attack.

"Attacks like that are useless against me!" He chuckles then outstretches his arm to attack Muzaka but dark spikes pierced through his body. He looks up to see Frankenstein with the Dark Spear in his hand, rushing towards him. Because of surprise, Maduke wasn't able to properly block his attack.

"This pain... so it wasn't just an imagination that your power is interfering with my regeneration." Maduke furrows his brows.

"That's right... but it doesn't look like it was interfering much." Frankenstein sighs, clearly disappointed but it was understandable.

"Yes, it's nothing but a slight difference to me now." Maduke smirks before growling as he forces the spikes out of his body.

"Huh?" He immediately tries to block the swirling blood tornados that are coming for him but his efforts were in vain. After everything cleared out, Maduke's severed body trembles.

"I guess that won't be enough to end this..." Frankenstein thought out loud as Maduke started to almost instantly heal himself.

"His self-regeneration has gotten even stronger. He's still getting more powerful." Muzaka noticed.

Reina looks at all of them.

"I have a plan..." Reina shyly raises her hand making everyone look at her.

"Out with it." Frankenstein urges her on.

"We will just waste our time and effort if we're fighting him. We'll have to erase all of him... annihilate all of him. But to do that, the three of us would need to prepare for it. So the two of you go and get his attention but you have to immediately get far away from as fast as possible when I say so." Reina explained.

Muzaka and Frankenstein rush towards Maduke.

"It doesn't matter what you fools do!" Maduke laughs as he gathers his power in his mouth and shoots a very powerful laser beam towards the two of them. Fortunately, Reina was able to get in front of them in time and successfully blocks the attack. The two exhales a sigh of relief.

Her Lover: Frankenstein (Noblesse FF)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن