Chapter 122

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It's been a week and Ha Yeon was excited to get to leave the castle. She was going to drop off her sister at Kang kingdom. Besides going shopping a few times, she had never left the castle and before that, she could never leave home. It was only recently when Chief Mingi had helped her learn to ride a horse.

"Remember Yeon. I can come back myself. I'm only letting you come with me because you wouldn't stop begging me," Hyun Ah rollled her eyes.

"Actually it was because you were too sca-"
"Anyways! Make sure you follow the map. And if you get lost," she tapped her forehead, "call prince Wooyoung or the Chief."

Ha Yeon nodded vigorously and Hyun Ah shook her head still a bit unsure if this was a good idea. They exited the carriage and mounted the horses that were given to them as they entered the Kang kingdom gates.

The horses trotted forward and the beta gasped as she took in her surroundings. The kingdom was relatively big and had a lot more space than she was used to. People were bustling around conversing and talking. Some walked and others rode horses just like them.

"Yeon. This way," her sister called.
She motioned for her horse to follow and kept a close distance between them not wanting to lose her in the crowd.

"Where did he say to meet him?"
"The castle."
"The castle?! Why?"
"What do you mean why? I don't know."
"Don't public houses and inns have heat rooms? Even taverns do. Why take you all the way to the castle?"
"You're the one that can speak to him telepathically Yeona. I don't know why you're asking me."

Ha Yeon puckered her lips. The idea didn't make sense to her at all. Unless he held some importance in the castle, there was no reason to rent a room there when it would be much cheaper in a public house or Inn.

But he always brags about having money anyways...
Maybe that's his job! If he works in the castle, then he'll probably be allowed free service or something.

Ha Yeon smirked cunningly. She was going to figure it out herself since he didn't want to tell her.

They reached their destination and an older woman eyed them before coming up to them.

"Is your name Hyun Ah?" She asked the alpha.
"Please, this way," she said pointing her hand in a certain direction. Ha Yeon was about to follow but the woman stopped her.

"Will you be joining them?"
The beta looked at her a bit confused and Hyun Ah's face turned beet red.
"No ma'am. She's just dropping me off," the alpha quickly informed.
"Alright. This is as far as you can go."

Ha Yeon was a little annoyed but hugged her sister before turning around. If she wasn't allowed into the castle then she wouldn't be able to look for the information she so eagerly wanted. She mounted her horse and turned around deciding to give it up and head back home.

In the past few weeks, Yunho had noticed that Mingi had changed. It wasn't bad or weird but it did feel different. And he knew he wasn't the only one who noticed, but since nobody else said anything, he decided not to either. Mingi still loved him and cared about him so nothing else really mattered.

Mingi had in fact been acting different but it wasn't too much of a change. He knew there wasn't much he could do and he didn't want to change himself completely for the prince but he still did whatever he could. It wasn't much of a difference to him though. He had just been acting a bit more timid and very much like the 'soft' alpha he had always been teased as.

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