Chapter 67

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Warning! Violence.

It was a quarter to noon. Yunho and Jongho were already dressed and ready to go. The omega didn't get much sleep and he could tell Jongho probably didn't either. Mingi and San joined them a few minutes later by the gate.

"Where's Wooyoung?" Yunho asked the beta.
"He went to gather the army."
They checked on one another asking each other how they were feeling while waiting for him.

Wooyoung arrived around 5 minutes later with a full army behind him. His eyes were slanted and serious and his purplish blond hair was tied to a bun. He looked like a completely different person in an all black sweat jacket and war pants. The soldiers were in uniform as well marching behind him.

"Let's go."

He walked passed them, the guards immediately opening the gate as the army followed behind him.

They reached the rendezvous at exactly 12:00. Jongho didn't know why he expected Hwang Shik to be on time, but he started to grow impatient.
Ever since his hair changed color, he had gotten a bad feeling in his gut. He wasn't sure why or what it meant, but he knew it had something to do with Yeosang.

He had spent the whole night thinking about the omega. If the only time he could sense how Yeosang was feeling was when he was close or when the emotion was strong, then why couldn't he feel him right now. He was sure his omega must be afraid and anxious in a new environment but he couldn't feel anything. It made him worried and he barely slept.

Yunho sat on a stump near the kingdom gate. He didn't know when Hwang Shik would show up, if he would, and figured he'd might as well take a nap. He'd hear them whenever they arrived.

San paced back and forth a little, having already felt the tingles in his toes. He knew the vision was going to come to pass soon. Wooyoung stood close to him to protect him in case he fell and became unaware while having a vision.

Mingi was checking on the soldiers, asking them if they were alright and reminding them to relax and remember their training.

It wasn't until about 2 hours later that they heard loud cheers and howling coming from deep into the forest. Hwang Shik had arrived.

Mars had been running continuously for 25 hours straight not stopping for any breaks except for a few seconds to sip water from a river, pond, or a lake. His legs were sore from time to time but it quickly healed so he paid it no mind.

Mars knew better than Seonghwa to misuse his body like this, especially for how long it had been abused in the lab. But if he didn't, Seonghwa would, and the beta was a lot more clumsier than him. He decided to complete the task himself knowing he would be quicker and more efficient.

He was hungry and his body was becoming tired but he couldn't rest. Not until he reached the Baek kingdom.

Mars decided to save Seonghwa the trauma and do what he knew Seonghwa had wanted to be done. He usually retired when he was sure they were safe but he knew if he just left as soon as they arrived at the Baek kingdom, he'd be called again as Seonghwa was easily afraid.

About an hour before he reached his destination, he caught sight of something shiny on the ground. He paused his movements and bent down to pick up the item. Mars wasn't sure what it was but it looked awfully familiar. It was a necklace with two rings as a pendant. He was sure he'd seen it somewhere.

After inspecting it for a while longer, he assumed from its faint scent that it belonged to the prince. He tucked it away into his pocket for safe keeping.

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