"Through the Window."

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A.N. HEYYY reached 4k reads :) i know it's cheesy but thank you guys :D have no ideas sooo enjoyy😎

Wade was working a mission, and he might have gotten himself beat up. A lot.

And it was that time where his skin would burn more than usual, so healing took a long time and it hurt 10x more when his body was covered in bruises and blood.

So what would Wade do?


Wade ran as fast as he could, managing to lose his target and the target's body guards.

He injured some of them on the way, which didn't make a difference if his target was still alive.

Wade would have to come back for them later.

But now he needed help. Serious help. The problem was though, Wade didn't have anyone to go to.

No where.

He stumbled around, on the empty sidewalks. No one was around. Everyone was sleeping.

Then a thought came to him.

What? Oh that's my line. Uhmmmmm.. Wait who will help us?

Jesus christ. Peter! Peter will help us, right?

Ohhhh ok webs. Where does he live again?

Oh my god. You are so disappointing.

"Can we please remember?" Wade groaned. "I'm kind of dying here."

Oh please. You aren't dying, Wade. But you know what we're mentally dying for.

You're supposed to guess...

Ugh fine. Who?

Petey's ass.

"Yeah we are-." Wade coughed.

Wait he lives by that one sugar bear dude right?

Ohhhh the other Peter. He's still alive? I thought he had type one and two diabetes.

"Still looking for the third type." Wade whispered. "I remember where that is."

We can make it Wade!

Um no. You guys can make it. If I was Wade, I'd just lay down on the ground until I rot away.

"That doesn't sound too.... bad... right now." Wade panted, pulling down the fire escape ladder to Peter's apartment.

Don't say that! We won't be able to see Peter if we're lying dead on the ground!

What if he doesn't want to help us. I wouldn't blame him. We're monsters.

We aren't monsters. The people who did this to us are monsters.

*Were monsters*

"Yeah, because they're dead." Wade laughed and slowly climbed the ladder. He groaned in pain as his muscles pulled and his skin tightened.

That's soooo funny guys.

Wade climbed another flight of stairs, pushing itself to the point where he thought he'd pop a muscle.

Sticky blood stuck on his skin and rubbing against his aching body.

"I'm glad Petey lent us his address. Why did he even do that?"

Don't ask stupid questions. He wants us to fuck him. Duh.

I'm sure that's not the reason.

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