The Day Wade Wilson Showed Up

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A.N. I just thought this picture was funny lol. Schools going good, nothing bad, yet. I'm writing on the other work soooo go check that out I guess if you want. ENJTKIYOGGOOGGOO

Peter pushed his glasses up his nose as he ate his cereal. May was already at work. She leaves at 7, which is when Peter wakes up. He tried to get up early to give his goodbyes, but he mostly snoozes his alarm.

He brushed his teeth and did the routine of locking up the apartment.

He walked into the crisp morning air, huddling in his, one, of many sweater layers. His glasses fogged with condensation, so he carefully stored them in his backpack pocket.

It was 7:35 am, he had some time to kill. Most of the café's don't open until 10am or later, except one, which was very busy all the time.

Peter decided to wait anyway. He ordered a medium hot chocolate. He tipped the barista a couple dollars and held the cup close.

He had 7 minutes to get to school now. His stomach tinged with panic, but he knew he wouldn't be late.

He got there 3 minutes before the bell rang, and sat down at his desk. He sat next to Wade Wilson. Who never ever showed up to first period. When he did, he had an extremely fake doctors note or he just poked in to say hi.

It was science. Biology. Wade's table mate was the smartest student in the class. Easy A. But no, he needed to be else where.

Peter drank his hot cocoa, angrily. But he burned his lip when Wade strolled right through the door, 5 seconds before the bell rang.

Peter played it cool and put his hot cocoa down, not making eye contact. The teacher looked really surprised, but chose to not say anything. The whole class looked flabbergasted.

The announcements came on and everyone stood up to cite the pledge. It was more of a chore than anything anymore. Peter didn't even cite it, he'd just numbly put his right hand over his heart and zone out.

Wade dumbly stood up, right after sitting down. Peter held his smile in and sat down when it ended. He took another drink of his cocoa and got out his computer.

Wade leaned over. "Do you have a pencil?"

Peter looked over, shocked. Wade had his hood up. All. The. Time. He never took it off. Not once for P.E., not once for the pledge, and not even for his girlfriend, which is probably why they broke up.

Is Wade Wilson actually talking to me???? "Uhm... sure." Their eyes met.

Wade's eyes widened. "Wow," he didn't hide how he was shocked either. "I've never seen you before? You a freshman or something?" His voice got really breathy.

Peter laughed and looked away. "No. I'm a junior."

"Hm, explains it. I'm a senior." He flaunted, not trying to hide he was trying to impress Peter.

"I can tell." Peter fished out a pencil and handed it to Wade, their hands brushing. Peter looked down and Wade smiled.

"And why's that?"

"Cause you're easy going. You don't care about classes anymore. Oh, and you're a giant." Peter leaned on his hand, tuning Wade out protesting as the teacher explained what they were doing today.

"I find that highly offensive." He stole Peter's cocoa and took a big gulp.

Peter made a face of horror and watched Wade drink the rest of his hot chocolate. "What is wrong with you?!" He whispered, snatching the cup back.

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