"Whoa! Pal, you have the wrong guy!"

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A.N. Hah, I'm already back. Sorry for the little delay. I forgot how much time I used to spend on here, and I just spent the last hour of two reading. Hope you enjoy this one🥴🥴🙈 note I fucking suck at smut🥺This was inspired by @Maskedenvoy

Peter unlocked his apartment door. His senses were going off all week, and it was making him paranoid.

He got off of work late, and May wanted him to run to the store for her. So he got home even later.

There was an eerie feeling as he opened the door. It was pitch black. Peter would have to run to the light switch as fast as he could. Childish, I know.

Peter put his key and his pocket and got himself ready. He closed the door behind him and bolted for the light switch. His senses were going berserk.

He flipped them on and sighed. He took his coat off, not knowing someone was in his apartment.

Peter shivered. His apartment was always cold. He turned to turn the thermostat up, yelping when he saw a red and black leather cladded man.

"Spidey! I found you!!"

"De-Whoa! Pal, you have the wrong guy!"

Deadpool laughed and hugged Peter, also known as Spider-Man.

Peter slightly pushed Wade away. "Ermmm, can you not hug me?"

Peter came up with a lie in his head. "You aren't going to kill me are you?!"

Deadpool chuckled, wiping away a fake tear. "No Webs, I'm here for that ass!"

Peter blushed and fidgeted with his hands.

"That ass of yours is very easy to pick out. Your secret is safe with me, Baby Boy!" Deadpool pointed to himself.

Peter relaxed, but his mood changed. He punched Deadpool in the shoulder.

"You're such a douche! Why didn't you wait for me to tell you myself!?"

Deadpool groaned and rubbed his shoulder. "Owwwww! Spidey, that hurt."

"It's Peter, but you probably already know that."

"And I'm Wade! Wade Winston Wilson! Nice to meet you!"

Peter turned and declined his hand. "Are you staying for long? I'm tire-"

Wade pushed Peter up against the wall. "How dare you decline my offering? I'm trying to be nice."

Peter froze, he was used to Deadpool's behavior. He wanted to say something, but he was stumped.

Wade husked into Peter's ear. "I've been waiting a long time for this moment, Petey-Pie."

Peter was very speechless, yeah he liked Deadpool, he knew he could be so-hot? Demanding? That's the word.

"Listen here, Parker. I've wanted to fuck that ass of yours. I'm just here to have some fun." Wade pushed against Peter's back, his dick to Peter's ass.

Peter held in a moan, Wade was already hard.

Peter had lusted about Deadpool a couple times before. His muscles, his scent, his fucking mouth.

But Wade terrified him. When they first met, Peter thought he wanted to blow his brains out. His loud humor, not to mention his job.

Peter felt dirty, like Wade would make him dirty.

Wade grunted behind Peter, and grabbed his hips. "You in, baby?"

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