"It's really not that complicated"

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Me and Wade have been dating for a couple of months now. We haven't seen each others faces yet, but I know how self conscious he is.

We're currently on the roof of a building, eating after patrolling.

"That was pretty easy eh, baby boy?" He asked, his mask rolled up to his nose.

I rolled up mine and accepted the greasy bag of food and sat down.

"Yeah, I guess." I said, shoving a chimichanga in my mouth.

I wanted to see each other's faces now, but I'm scared he'll get mad, he hates the subject but I don't want our relationship to be like this.

"I actually have to ask you a question." I muttered quietly.

Wade stopped his conversation with himself and looked at me, his expression readable through his mask.

He told me about the boxes and the cancer, so I decided to respect his space.

"Yeah?" He replied worriedly.

"I don't want to push you but I want to at least see more of your face soon." I cut him off before he could protest. "And I know you're self conscious, and I can respect that and give you more time, but I don't want to-like continue like this you know? I want you to trust me."

I looked over at him and he looked away. "I don't know, Petey."

I looked down and took another bite. I knew he'd say that, he always shys away. "You do trust me right?" I ask, suddenly confused-

"Of course I do! I trust you with my life- well I can't really die and stuff but you get what I mean-that reminds me-"

"Please stop trying to avoid the question, DP." I whispered.

I saw him look out on the city. "I just don't want to ruin this, because I know you'll leave-I just want someone to actually stay and enjoy my company while it lasts-"

"But I do enjoy your company! I enjoy every second even though you can be annoying sometimes."

Wade looked over at me, a frown on his face. "That's because you don't know what I look like."

"I've seen enough though! I'm clearly not bothered by it!"

"That's what they all say before they know."

I scoffed. "Wade you aren't ugly! It's really not that complicated!" Peter exasperated.

"You don't know that! You don't know who I've lost, what I've gone through, where I've been, what kind of monster I am! I kill people for a living for fucks sake!" Wade held his head in his hands. Peter had comforted Wade enough times to know the pain he goes through everyday.

"I get that, but people change! I know enough, I've seen enough and I do understand- so please! Just trust me." Peter knew that deep down, he probably shouldn't have brought it up in the first place.

Wade scoffed and got up. "Why can't you just respect the fact I hate myself!" Peter frowned at his negativity. He's never seen anyone this deep into their self loathing.

"I've given you time, space though-" I whimpered, standing up. He towered over me. The thought about how dangerous Wade is crossed my mind.

"No!" Wade yelled. I flinched and looked down. "It's not working." He said, looking away. "We aren't working." He whispered.

My heart dropped. I knew this was a bad idea. I looked away, on the verge of tears. Maybe I should've waited longer, or maybe Wade was just too far gone. Peter didn't know what to do.

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