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A.N. Happy my man Biden won. I honestly didn't like either of them. I hope Biden is as good as he seems, and Trump won't do something stupid. This one might be a little short, but I'll write more later.

Peter was currently staying at the Tower. The avengers were out on a mission and Peter wanted to stay in.

Tony had agreed, and they left just like that.

Peter had explored the tower and labs. He was in the middle of drawing on the board, listening to music.

At full blast of course, he couldn't he hear a thing.

With his spidey senses, he wasn't that paranoid.

Jarvis was trying to warn him someone was in the building, but there wasn't anyone working the job. It was a weekend.

Peter was jamming too hard to Gorillaz to notice.

Jarvis hasn't given up, so he locked the laboratory Peter was in. More or less just lock up the whole building.

"Fuck." Wade hissed. Right when he thought the tower was abandoned.

"My dope ass fresh prince, also know as Deadpool, also known as Wade Wilson. You are banned from this building."

"I know, I know." Wade looked around, not knowing where he should be looking at.

"I shall give you 5 minutes before contacting Mr. Stark."

Wade thought. "UGHHhhh. Just don't contact him?" he smiled. "Please?"

Jarvis thought for a moment. "I will give you 24 hours. That is when they return. You were never here." He paused. "Stay away from the labs."

And just like that, Jarvis went silent.

Peter still had no idea, but Jarvis was ready to protect him.

Wade was confused as to why he wasn't allowed to be in the labs. Out of the whole place, the labs. Not the kitchen, not the meeting room, not their bar, or pool.

Yes they had a pool.


Wade did exactly what he wasn't supposed to.

"To the lab!!" Deadpool screamed at the top of his lungs. No one would hear him anyway. There was no one here.

Jarvis warned him. "I told you, Wade. Do not go towards the labs."

"Why not!" Wade whined, slouching his shoulders.

"I cannot tell you for the sake of hi-your safety."

Wade continued anyway. He was glad he even got in the tower.

Jarvis stayed in the room with Peter-well, in the-you know. Just there in the electricity. If that makes sense.

Wade tried the door, but it didn't work. He looked through the window, and saw Peter dancing.

He froze with his hands on the doorknob. "Who's-who is that?" Deadpool asked, stunned.

"I have warned you. I'm not afraid to shock you." Jarvis closed the blinds before Peter could see him.

Wade laughed nervously and backed away from the door.

Peter was just soundlessly listening to music. His spider senses were starting to tingle, but he threw it off.

He had gotten used to the buzzing. The song was over and he heard a loud noise.

"Ahh, Peter you are listening." Jarvis said, almost nervously.

"Yes? I always am." Pete puts his earbuds away  and looked at his work.

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