"The Lab Partner". Pt. 2

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A.N. Happy Monday😠😒

Peter ran to the door. He looked through the peep hole and it was indeed, Wade. He unlocked the door and opened it.

Wade looked up and smiled, his hands in his pockets. He had just changed his red hoodie to a black one. Not like Peter had noticed or anything...

"Hey, Petey. I actually found you pretty easily."

Peter nervously laughed. "Heh yeahhhh." He stepped out of the doorway, Wade walked past him. Wow... just get comfortable, Peter thought.

"You live by yourself?" Wade asked, looking around. Wade wasn't surprised with the thought. He knew a lot of people back in his city who lived alone.

"No, I live with my Aunt May." Peter replied, embarrassed. It was a habit, he blamed flash. Flash made sure everyone knew about his insecurities. Not that Peter was ashamed, Flash just made it seem like it was a bad thing.

Wade dropped his bag by the couch. Peter was guessing it was for school. Obviously.

"Sooo, the Science project?" Wade asked, looking Peter up and down before sitting on the couch. He examined the photos.

Most of them had Ben in them. And only one with Aunt May's ex boyfriend. He was an asshole.

The picture was when they went to the Statue of Liberty and her ex boyfriend, John, had beaten Peter up that same day. May immediately kicked him out.

The previous night, him and May had a fight about why John sent Peter so many red flags. May, of course, brushed it off and blamed Peter for not wanting her to be happy, which obviously wasn't true.

May had apologized over 100 times that following day.

Peter glared at the photo of John, having a desire to burn it. May didn't know why she kept, maybe it was a guilt thing?

Wade laughed at Peter's angry face and pulled him down by the waist.

Peter jumped and fell back onto the couch. Wade is really easy going..

"Shall we continue?" Wade asked, keeping his arm around Peter's slim waist. It was almost riding under his shirt.

Peter shivered and nodded. "I need to get my bag." He got up, and Wade watched him leave, smiling to himself.

Peter cussed under his breath. He should've kept his bag in the living room.

Wade got his binder to get working on their project. Peter came back with his bag and dropped it on the couch beside him.

"Fuck, that's heavy." Peter panted.

Wade laughed, his eyes glinting, and waited for Peter to get his supplies out.

Wade liked the homeiness. Not a lot of decorations. He could tell no one was really ever here. Wade guessed this because there was a note on the counter, probably saying that his Aunt was out working late. She was probably always out late.

Peter sat there awkwardly, with his binder in his lap. His laptop too.

"Okay so we're doing helium, right?" Wade asked.

Peter shrugged. "If that's what you want to do, I was just suggesting something easy."

Wade thought for a moment. He didn't really know the periodic table that well.

Peter knew all of them. When he was young he had learned the whole song.

"How about neon? That's pretty interesting." Wade suggested, doodling on his binder.

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