"Obsessive." PT.2

501 13 1

A.N. There's a little Botw meme for ya😏this.... Hope you enjoy!!! Also I heard about the trumpies breaking in the capitol building😀they're such idiots.... ENJOY!!

Peter had passed out after packing more stuff. His legs were hanging off the side of the bed. It was uncomfortable but Pete was too far gone into sleep to notice.

A ring slowly woke him up from his deep sleep. Peter yawned, groaning when he felt sore.

The screen read: Wade🇨🇦🥵

Peter sat up and rubbed his eyes. "MmWade?"

"Hey Petey! So me and a couple of my friends are going to play some video games? Do you want to come over?" Wade chirped.

"What time is it?" Peter yawned again.

"It's 7:23."

Peter sighed and stood up. "Fine. But not for long, okay?"

Wade frowned and hung up.

Peter scrunched his eyebrows and looked at his phone. Rude.

Peter walked around the house, slipping on a hoodie and shoes. He locked his door behind him and made his way to Wade's house.

The sun was setting, so Peter enjoyed it.


He got to Wade's apartment door, already hearing cheering and yelling.

Peter got a little nervous. Did his friends know they were dating? How would they react?

He gathered some courage and knocked on the door.

The yelling stopped and Peter could hear footsteps.

The door flung open and Wade hugged him. "Petey pie! You're finally here!" Wade frowned. "What took you so long?"

Peter smiled to reassure him. "Just enjoying the sun set."

Wade smiled and dragged him to his couch. There were 3 other guys.

"This is Weasel, Sunny, and Bones."

Peter blinked. Weird names. He coughed and waved. "Hi."

They waved, too focused on the game.

"Aweeee you guys unpaused without me?!"

"Sorry dude, your loss." The man with the glasses and shoulder length hair hissed.

Peter sat awkwardly at Wade's feet. This was gonna be a long night.

Peter had joined the game after the round was done. They played Mario cart on the old Wii, Smash Ultimate, Minecraft, and now they were playing Uno.

Peter stayed silent and only talked when Wade was asking him a question.

It was pretty boring to be honest. Peter had gotten sleepy again and fell asleep against Wade's knee.

He cooed and carried Peter to his bedroom, tucking him in. Wade shut the lights off and closed the door.

"You guys better be quiet or I'll slap all of you."

Weasel rolled his eyes. "You must be really in love."

Wade scoffed. "Maybe, but I can still kick your ass."


Peter woke up to his alarm. Thank god he left it on before he got to Wade's house.

He felt arms wrap around him. "Mmmmm don't go yet Petey."

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