the beat up boy on the subway PT. 2

386 16 8

A.N. Hello I have school off today and tomorrow, I also have an interview so wish me luck☺️🥴 enjoy this and the photo of Jensen and Misha

Peter was now on the subway. School was over. He was nervous that the mysterious man would be there again.

Peter swiped the card, the one millionth time, and stood in his spot. The subway was busy today.

About 5 minutes later and the train took off. Peter looked around, non suspiciously. No old woman and no mysterious man.

He relaxed and listened to his music. The subway finally came to a halt at his spot. He got up and climbed up the stairs.

Peter kept a good memory of his surroundings. Still no mysterious man. Even the feeling of being watched was gone.

He climbed the stairs of his apartment building and unlocked the door with his extra key.

May greeted Peter, with the coffee cup and book.

He greeted her with a smile and went to his room for homework and fell asleep.

The next day...

Peter groaned and got up for school. He kissed May on the cheek as a goodbye and walked on the streets. He was a little late today, because he stayed up all night doing homework.

Peter stepped onto the train. He found a spot to stand quietly. The feeling was still gone.

He plugged his headphones in and played some music.

Right before the train started moving , a man stepped onto the subway.

It was him.

Peter minded his business and listened to his music. But it got farther away and the man was beside him.

He tried to ignore it, but he was leaning on Peter's shoulder.

"Hello again." He greeted.

Peter froze and hesitantly looked up at the man.

He smiled. "I'm Wade by the way." 'Wade' whispered to himself for awhile before saying. "Sorry for-um trying to.. fuck." He muttered. "How do I say this? For trying to pressure you. Yeah."

Peter shifted on his feet. "Uhm."

'Wade' leaned in. "I can pay you back~"

Peter blushed and turned his music down. "Li-ike what?"

He leaned in more. "Anything you want~"

Peter's face was very hot. He wanted to check how much longer until his stop, but his eyes were locked with Wade's.

"I don't know."

Wade huffed. "You're no fun. Well, we can change that." His lips brushed Peter's ear.

"We?" Peter squeaked.

"Oh sorry. Silly voices. In my brain. Hah." Wade rambled.

Peter stood awkwardly and stared out the window.

Wade poked his cheek. "Is this healing?"

"Ow." Peter whined. "Yes, but now it hurts thanks to you." He froze. "Sorry that was mean."

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