"Lust." PT. 2

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A.N. Y'all wanted more. And honestly, I was planning on putting smut in the first one but I got carried away with the details so I have to make yet another mini series😪HOPE YOU ENJOY

For the next day, Weasel had teased Peter about liking Wade. And it honestly made him hate Wade even more.

He could see why Weasel didn't tolerate the merc. But how could he say that, they've barely talked.

Weasel did whatever he does during the day, and Peter cleaned the apartment.

He didn't mind it either. Peter would do anything just to listen to music.

Weasel came home and they played video games. Then they had a little lunch and they went to open Sister Margret's.

Peter was kind of excited to see Wade. He hadn't seen his face and he'd also heard of his job. The Deadpool.

Peter knew Mercs were dangerous. But they were also really chill. Most of them never came in for the hookers. They just like to play pool and drink.

And Peter could play some mean pool. When Peter was little and Uncle Ben was still a police officer, he'd teach him how to play pool in their little break room.

So Peter had gotten really good at it and had eventually beaten every police officer at it.

But now Peter would avoid it, since Ben passed away.

When he worked with Stark he'd sometimes play with the avengers.

Clint almost beat him once. The match had gone on for a while.

Peter waited around. It was too early for him to be performing. He never performed anyway. Peter would just give personal performances. And that got him the money he wanted. Plus betting on pool matches, which was rare.

He didn't really need that much money anyway.

Weasel was cleaning over the bar stools. He usually made Peter do it. He must be happy today.

They talked. The girls came in early like they always do. To get ready and wait around.

Most of them liked Peter. The other male dancers were nice too. A little too nice.

Weasel teased him to go get ready but Peter rolled his eyes.

"I don't do on stage performances, Weas. I thought we talked about this?"

"I know, I know. But don't you wanna impress Wade?" He teased.

"If this is getting back at me for yesterday, it isn't working. You do this to everyone I talk to, so it's only fair I tease you too. I don't even like him like that."

"Wade wouldn't be too fond of you either, ya know. He'd like you, but Wade is very self conscious of his mug. He's dangerous and very insane."

"I know!" Peter exasperated. "I'm not a little kid! I can look out for myself." He moped.

"You still look like you're 18." Weasel held in his laughter.

Peter yanked his towel from Weasel and whipped him with it.

Weasel laughed and ran away, around the pool table.

And on and on they ran around the table. Weasel soon realized he made a grave mistake, because Peter never gets tired.

"Okay! Okay! I give up! Just whack me already!" Weasel gave in.

"Fine!" Peter whipped him a couple times before falling to the floor with laughter.

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