"Homework buddy." PT. 2

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A.N. ugh i simp so hard for seb and bucky😩 i've been writing a lot so here's second part ENJOY :D

After school, Peter quickly cleaned up the house. May, indeed, left a note saying she'd be home late again.

His room looked ok, other than the books and papers scattered around. The dishes were clean, and his clothes were put away. The bathroom was spotless.

Now there was 20 minutes left until Wade would come over.

Peter's head got the best of him, and he started to worry Wade wouldn't show up, or Peter messed up his address, but Wade texted him a couple minutes later saying he was on his way.

So Peter did last minute checking. He had changed into a different shirt and hoodie. His school bag was ready to go, and he sat on his bed waiting.

There was a knock.

"Fuck it." Peter muttered, and ran to the door. He unlocked it, then opened it.

Wade was standing there, he had changed his clothes a little too.

But those muscles still stood out.

Peter shifted and gestured Wade to come in. "Hi."

"Hi." Wade smiled. "So where are we going?"

"Uhhh probably my room? If that's ok with you."

"Sure! I'll just follow you then." Wade walked behind Peter and they made their way down the hallway.

"Ugh, I was hoping to see baby pictures on the walls." Wade frowned.

Peter sighed in relief, knowing May never hung up those pictures. "Yeah. I don't have that many baby pictures."

It was silent and Peter opened his door. "We'll probably just sit on the bed. I have a lot of papers and books on my desk." He blurted. "We can always just move to the kitchen too. I don't care."

"No... This is fine." Wade looked around. "Interesting room."

"Heh-thanks." Peter sat down, awkwardly. "So, what do you need help with?"

Wade stopped looking around and set his bag on the bed. "Uhhh, just English and Trig. I need to study for the upcoming test though."

Peter nodded and got his notes out. "Let me see your paper. What're you guys working on?"

"Formulas for now. I need to remember the different types of angles too though." Wade sighed.

"Ok. Wait I need to draw examples out."

Peter started drawing all of the angles and writing short little definitions so it wouldn't be hard to understand

Wade asked a LOT of questions. Like every 3 minutes. Peter didn't really mind, it helped him study too.

It was getting hard to focus because their hands kept brushing.

Peter was also trying to hide his red face.

"Ok, I think I got it." Wade finished his homework.

Peter checked over it. "Wow. That's impressive."

"Really?!" Wade leaned on his hands. They were lying down on their stomachs now.

"Yep, not a single one wrong." Peter gave him the paper back. "Ok, so we're done studying and homework. So, now English."

"Can we take a break?" Wade whined.

Peter shook his head. "You'll feel better if we get it all done now."

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