Personal Bodyguard. Pt. 2

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A.N. Ok I definitely went overboard today. I've been bored and I wrote a lot. I have a Spanish presentation tomorrow and I'll continue the third part tomorrow! ENJOYYYYY

Wade woke up to his alarm at 12 P.M. He wasn't insane enough to wake up before noon. Obviously.

He shut it off and sat up, threw the covers back, and walked to the shower.

He stripped off his sweatpants and boxers. Still mauled skin. Sometimes Wade just wakes up thinking he'll wake up from this big nightmare.

He can forget about it during the day, when he's working or drinking. Then it hits at night, when he's forced to listen to the boxes. Forced to stare at the ceiling because nothing will let him sleep.

He's tried everything. Music, watching tv, medication. Wade's body is practically immune to medication now.

He turned the shower on and stared at himself in the mirror. I could actually look good if I didn't have these scars.

Feels good to have a big dick though.

Wade groaned loudly. They're already awake.

We're always awake. At least I am don't know where the other one is

"Shut up." Wade complained, stepping into the scorching water, his scars complaining. It was worth it though. Actually feeling something.

But you can't spend all of your time in a shower. With electrical bills. What a world we live in.

Suck it up

"You get to live in my head for free. How do you think I feel?" Wade scrubbed his face hard with his hands.

Oh I know you feel terrible I'm just bored all the time.

Wade ignored the voices and turned the shower off. It's not like he could sweat or wash his hair. But he still puts on deodorant after wrapping the towel around his waist. I should at least smell good.

We should definitely keep the towel off it's been a while since we've had some sweet time with Wade Jr....

"I would but I have to go see Peter." Wade walked to his little closet and picked some worn jeans and a hoodie. He pulled some semi-clean socks on and his boots. Tennis shoes were overrated.

Oh yeah that guy he's pretty cute

"Yeah." He stomped to the kitchen and raided it. Ramen sounded good right now. He boiled water and waited.

He slurped on the noodles when they were done. It felt good to have something in his stomach.

You think Peter's ass is as juicy as these noodles

Wade snapped his eyes shut and dropped the noodles from his mouth.

"You had to ruin it. Again." He rubbed his face and got up to throw the noodles away.

We need action! And we're getting lucky with this twink dude

"He just got back from being kidnapped. And we look like a monster. He'll hate us." Wade grabbed his hat from the counter and put it on, slipping his hood on over it.

He made sure he had the address in his pocket and apartment keys. He put on a surgical mask over it and gloves. Hopefully Peter was as nice as they said.

Hopefully TOO nice wink wink

Wade sighed and chose to ignore the box as he locked his apartment door behind him. He walked down the hallway. No one really lived on this floor. Rumors tended to spread.

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