the beat up boy on the subway PT. 4

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A.N. I just realized one of my favorite spideypool fics was removed. I've been trying to find it but it said it couldn't download, so I'm guessing it got taken down🥲 enjoy

Wade and Peter worked on 'homework' for awhile.

Wade didn't really work though, just throwing pieces of paper and pencils at Peter. Plus constant yelling at each other until May would scold them.

Then, they'd laugh. It wasn't serious anyway.

May was happy her boy had a friend. She'd like to think it as, if you put her boy and his friend together, they make boyfriend. The thought made her very happy, although she wanted nephews and nieces.

If the relationship ever got that far. She could see the way Peter looks at him. And the nicknames and tension between them, but May was getting worried about all of the bruises Peter comes home with.

He's been quiet too. Ever since Ben. She hoped Wade could help him.

But she minded her business and made pasta for dinner.


"Wadeeeee!" Peter whined. "Give me my textbook back! I need it for history!"

"History shmistory. I want to cuddle."

"No. I told you after I get my homework done!"

"You swear?"

"I swear." Peter rolled his eyes.

"Hey! I'm being serious." Wade pouted, holding the textbook out of Peter's reach.

"I pinky swear." Peter sighed.

"That's good enough. Now, go learn about the Bill of Rights!" Wade dropped the textbook on the bed.

"Thank you." Peter opened it back up to his page and read.

Wade walked around his room. It was a pretty medium sized room.

It had a closet, a bed, a desk. Basic stuff.

The desk was covered with papers and pencils. Some books and wires.

Most of his clothes were in the hamper or neatly folded in his drawers.

Barely anything on his walls. Maybe some post it notes but that's it.

Wade snooped through the closet. But he only saw hangers and some clothes.

Peter was mentally dying inside. Even though he had nothing to hide, he was nervous there was something he didn't know about.

"Can I look in this box?" Wade called, all the way in the closet.

Peter laughed nervously, trying to remember what was in it. "Sureeeeeeee..."

Wade squealed and did a somersault onto the bed, making Peter rip a page.

"You asshole!" Peter groaned. "Really?!"

"I'm so sorry, baby boy!" Wade giggled, trying to open the box.

"Hey! Be careful with that!" Peter wrote an answer down on his paper. "Stop moving. I'm trying to write."

"Oh hush." Wade picked at the lock. "Why is there a lock?"

"I don't know!" Peter retorted, flipping through the pages frantically.

"Do you know what's inside?"


Wade raised his eyebrows. "Maybe it's a dildo?!"

Peter groaned in frustration. "It's not a- dildo." He whispered the last part. "That'd be disgusting. Why would I keep it in a wooden box anyway?"

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