the beat up boy on the subway PT. 3

347 16 4

A.N. Here's an early chapter!! I'll be very busy on Friday so here it is! Hope you enjoy🥰🥰

Peter slowly opened his eyes. He was in a very comfortable bed, and very warm.

He tried to sit up, but was held down. Peter groaned and rolled away from the pressure.

The lump of blankets followed him. A pair of arms wrapping around him.

He froze. All of the memories of being with Wade yesterday. What time was it?

Peter sat up. What he was assuming was Wade, groaned.

"Petey." He whined. "Stop moving." Wade realized his hood was down, so he pulled it back up. It was dark anyway.

Peter tensed. Did they do anything last night?

Wade sensed his tenseness. "Whoa. You ok?" He sat up beside Peter and rubbed his back.

Peter didn't know what to say. This was painfully embarrassing for him.

He nodded. "What time is it? Where's my phone?"

Wade got up and handed him his phone. "Here."

Peter checked the time. 3:45 A.M. He scrunched his eyebrows.

"I thought we were on the couch."

"Oh. Yeah, sorry about that. The couch wasn't very comfy." Wade scratched the back of his neck.

"Oh. I have to get up in a couple of hours. I guess I'll just go back to bed." Peter laid back down, facing away from Wade.

Wade awkwardly laid the other way. He hoped Peter wasn't uncomfortable or mad at him.

"I didn't make you feel uncomfortable, did I?" Wade blurted. Why did you say that? Stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid.

Peter sat looking into the darkness. What do I say?-

"Not really. I'm just confused."

Wade looked out of the window in his room. Confused? About what?

"About what?"

Peter kept his eyes open. He started to see some outlines of clothes on the floor.

"I mean, I just woke up in somebody's bed. I just got scared a little. Don't worry."

Wade sighed. "Oh. Well, goodnight-or good morning-sleep well."

Peter snorted, and they broke out in laughter. And soon, they didn't even know what they were laughing at.

He clutched his stomach, trying to catch his breath.

They quieted down, the silence awkward again.

"I can't sleep now." Peter whispered.

Wade chuckled and rolled over, getting stuck in the blankets. He had a lot of blankets.

Peter heard him moving around, so he turned around, Wade already staring at him.

He smiled and looked down at the pillow. "It's your fault." Peter mumbled.

"Huh?" Wade asked, scooting closer. "I couldn't hear you through your 'pillow talk'."

Peter reached his arm through the blanket, and smacked Wade.

"Ow! What was that for?!"

"Stop using such language!" He scolded.

"You seemed to like it, so why not?" Wade grumbled, moving even closer to Peter. Who looked very small in the pile of blankets.

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