"Touch Starved."

830 27 7

A.N. i'm having so many ideas and words are flowing out of me i feel like a god. I wrote for 2 hours straight yesterday and it felt like 10 minutes. ENJOY!!!!

Wade had been noticing interesting things going on with Peter.

He was very clingy.

Wade didn't mind. He was clingy as fuck himself. But it- it just wasn't like Peter.

Peter is usually too embarrassed to be close to someone.

This new Peter is always flirting back and texting Wade constantly. Not to mention he sometimes rests his head on Wade's shoulder.

Which was very cute.


"Hey, webs!" Wade waved as Peter swung down to sit next to the merc.

"Hi, Wade! I see you brought food."

"Yup!" Wade handed him a bag. "Just for you. You're a growing boy of course."

Peter flared his nose at Wade and slid his mask up to eat the chimichanga.

"So how's patrol?" Wade slid his mask up too.

"Meh. Boring." Peter mumbled with food in his mouth.

That was when Wade noticed how close Peter was to him.

"Really? No muggings no nothing?" Wade asked.

Peter shifted in his spot on the roof. "Nothing. I talked to a few kids though." He just kept squirming.

"Were they suspicious?" Wade squinted his eye lenses.

"Of course not, Wade." Peter laughed.

God Wade loved the way Peter laughed. And the way he said his name.

They finished eating and Peter slumped over. He quietly wedged himself against Wade's side and laid his head down on his shoulder.

Wade's shoulders tensed and Peter huffed in response, silently telling him it was uncomfortable.

It was an awkward first minute, then Wade forced himself to relax.

"Uhm, baby boy?" Wade asked, peering down at the boy who was cuddled up against the worlds ugliest rotten avocado like he was a heater. "Are you ok?"

Peter hummed in response and shifted again. He was trying to get Wade to respond.

"Oh-" Wade cautiously wrapped his arm around Peter.

And the boy melted right there. Wade was a little scared he'd fall off the building.

Peter sighed and nuzzled his head more into Wade's shoulder.

Wade was holding back from saying something stupid. That would-probably ruin the moment.

That's when he heard a rumble. Like a tiny little growling noise.

Wade looked around confused, thinking that there was maybe a dog growling at them. But when he looked down at the streets below, he saw nothing.

Wade scrunched his eyebrows and listened closer.

Peter was fucking purring.

"Are you really sure you're ok? You're not sick? Cause you're purring. Is your nose stuffy or something?" Wade stayed absolutely still, fearing he'd scare the boy away.

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