Personal Bodyguard. Pt. 3

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A.N. Not ready for Spanish presentation. I'll tell you how it goes... ok it's future me it went good actually. ALSO THE NEW SPIDERMAN TRAILER LOOKS SOOO GOOD im excited for the old doc oc to come back😤😤ENJOYYY

Peter woke up with a start. Another nightmare.

He panted and looked around frantically, not recognizing his surroundings. "Wade?" Ugh, he hated his voice.

There were heavy footsteps coming. Wow, he must have good hearing. But is it Wade? What if you're back there. What if he's a traitor?

Peter's brain taunted him, testing his beliefs.

"Yeah? You ok?" Wade slowly opened the door and poked his head in. He still had his hood up, but his hat was gone, so were his gloves. His hands looked scarred from here.

"Oh. Uhm yeah, sorry." Peter sat up and averted his eyes to his lap.

"Hey, it's ok. Uhm, I made pancakes if you want some?" Wade asked, looking around the room awkwardly. He's been checking around his apartment, making sure no one has broken in.

"Uh sure. Thanks. I could've slept on the couch if you wanted..." Peter fumbled with his hands as he stood in front of Wade.

"Oh no big deal. I didn't need sleep. Looks like you needed it, anyway." Wade shrugged and lead Peter to the kitchen.

Peter only slept for 2 hours anyway, making it 4pm.

The hallway was short. Nothing on the walls but some weird stains.

"Oh... ok." Peter sat at the bar table. His leg felt a little sore after walking all of those stairs. His black eye has almost faded completely.

The pancakes smelled good, and the apartment was a nice room temperature. Felt like home.

But this isn't your home. You don't have one.

Peter sighed and looked around. The kitchen was pretty clean. Some dirty dishes, a microwave, lots of papers on the fridge.

"Here we go." Wade brought over quite a large plate of pancakes and syrup. "I warmed up the syrup. I think it's better that way."

Peter nodded. "Thank you." He mumbled, bringing the plate and fork in front of him.

Wade nodded back. He says thank you a lot.

"So. How about we look at some apartments? Anywhere you want to go?" Wade leaned against the other side of the bar table, watching Peter.

Peter sat in his place and shrugged. "It-uh doesn't matter to me." He smiled. You don't deserve someone to ask you your opinions.

Wade's breath hitched. "Yeah... well, I'll probably just pick somewhere farther from here. We can get a car too, if you're up to packing and walking."

Peter picked up the fork, hesitating a little. "That's ok. My leg needs to get used to it."

Wade nodded and clapped his hands. "Well... I'll do that. Enjoy I guess."

"Thank you." Peter piped up again.

Wade just nodded. He didn't know how to respond to him saying that all the time.

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