"Homework buddy."

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A.N. enjoy this picture of bucky😩posting again because i'm in a big writing mood. i'm pretty sure i've read every spideypool fic out there. buttttt enjoyy :))

Peter was writing down some notes when the teacher pulled his aside.

"Hey, Pete." The teacher smiled.

Peter knew it wasn't something good.

"Since you're my best student out there..."

Peter braced for something bad.

"We have a student who isn't doing very well."

Yep. Peter thought. Time to tutor another senior probably.

"He's a senior, but he's a mature kid. Just dealing with some things right now. It would mean a lot of you could help him, even if it's once or twice a week."

Called it.

"Uhm..." Think this throug- "Sure!" Shit. Stupid Peter, you can never say no. That's why you carry the weight of New York on your shoulders.

"Thank you so much." The teacher patted Peter's shoulder. "You can go back to class now. I'll introduce you guys tomorrow during your study hall?"

Peter nodded, and opened the classroom door.

"Oooooooo, did Parker get in trouble?" Flash taunted.

Peter opened his mouth to say something back.

"No, Flash. Now get back to work before I notify your father." The teacher butted in.

Everyone held in their laughs, and Peter sat down.

This was going to be fun.


The next day....

Peter thought about meeting the senior all night and now morning. He had study hall after lunch, so he was complaining about it to Ned.

"I just hope it's not one of Flash's friends or something."

Ned nodded, biting into his sandwich.

"Or if it's one of those mullet guys."

Ned nodded again.

"And my room. Oh god I didn't clean it. What if May isn't comfortable with it. Or-"

"Peter!" Ned rolled his eyes. "It's gonna be fine, okay? Don't over think it. They probably just want you to do their homework or something."

"But if-"

"May will be ok with it. She's not gonna be home until 12 right? Just like every thursday? You don't have to tutor them in your room either. They're probably fine with the couch in the living room."

Peter paused. "You're right."

"Mhmmm." Ned finished off his sandwich and moved on to his carrots.

Peter still worried about it though. He complained after lunch on the way to the teachers room.

Ned wished him good luck and headed to his own class.

Peter opened the door and the teacher looked up from his desk. He smiled.

"Wade will be here any minute. You can take a seat for now."

Peter nodded and sat down. He took his phone out and nervously texted Ned, who didn't respond.

After the bell rang for class to start, 'Wade' walked in.

Peter didn't notice him at first until he sat right in front of him.

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