"You are my new pillow."

591 17 10

A.N. if you're seeing this it's sundayyyy!!!!! YAY my presentation went bad but i got a B+ so i'm not complaining.... ENJOYY

Peter and Wade started dating almost a month ago. They were going a little too fast for Peter's liking, but he enjoyed it.

Peter was hesitant when it came to dating. Liz left him, MJ left him for Harry. So on and so forth.

He even thought he had a crush on Ned at some point, but that was just Peter having a gay panic.

Peter wasn't very scared about showing his affection to Wade in public. His school was ok with lgbtqia+.

Flash teased about it every once in a while, but Wade would always scare him off.

Peter was always worrying he wasn't very interesting for Wade, but everyone could tell Wade was very in love.

He was also the very jealous type.

There was a new kid at school giving Peter googley eyes. He was pissed.

He tried to keep Peter away, by cuddling him half to death, which Peter did not mind.

The new kid shared last period with the both of them, so Wade was on alert.

"Ok class!" The math teacher announced. "There is a new student today! Skip do you want to introduce yourself?"

(I fucking hate Skip btw)

Skip nodded. "Uhhh, I am Skip. I came from Manhattan. Now i'm here." Skip caught Peter's eye. He smiled and winked at Peter. Peter blushed, but quickly hid it.

When Peter looked at Wade.... He knew that Skip was gonna get his shit rocked.

Skip scoffed at Wade's death glare and sat back down.

Wade scooted his chair closer to Peter's. Peter smiled innocently at Wade and turned to the teacher.

"Thank you, Skip." The teacher smiled warmly. "Since today is friday, the period is yours."

The class sighed in relief.

"You are free to move around the room." She waved her hands.

Everyone immediately went to sit by their friends.

"Well, baby boy..."

Peter laughed as Wade scooted his chair next to Peter's.


"Want to sit on the floor?"

Peter saw Skip staring at him out of the corner of his eye. "Sure!"

Wade grabbed Peter's hand and dragged him down to the floor. He flopped on top of Peter and closed his eyes.

"Ow! Wade!" Peter gasped and moved Wade a little so he could breathe.

"What? You're my new pillow!"

"But we have work!-"

"Shhhhhhhhhh." Wade moved Peter's hand in his hair.

Peter sighed and combed his hand through Wade's hair. "You're spoiled, you know that?"

"Mhmmm." Wade agreed, not listening.

"Harry!" Peter scream whispered.

Harry looked back from his laptop. He followed Peter's finger and nodded. He grabbed Peter's chrome book and handed it to him.

"Thanks!" Peter smiled. Harry rolled his eyes, mockingly. Peter's smile fell as he caught Skips eyes again.

Skip smiled.

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