"I've missed this."

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Peter was starting to get worried. Wade had been gone longer than usual on one of his missions.

When he found out Wade wasn't coming home yet, he was hurt. He had made dinner and was waiting for his beloved merc to come home. A whole day planned, he had even made a cheesy scavenger hunt. But he never came.

Peter ate his food sadly, and brushed it off. He went on with his night, and texted him, knowing he'd probably not answer.

Sure, he cried himself to sleep. Maybe every night. Which turned to a week.

Peter tried calling and calling, texting. He stopped though because he thought he was being annoying.

He soon thought maybe Wade wasn't coming back. He had had enough. Was I too annoying? Clingy? Peter thought as he sat in bed. A few tears slipping down his cheek.

Peter didn't know what to do now that he was gone. He could barely get himself out of bed.

May didn't call, no one did since he started dating Wade. Even Tony.

Peter got himself up and showered. He didn't feel hungry so he sat at the table. It was cold and quiet.

Peter felt so stupid. He should've gotten Wade to quit his job.

Peter put his head in his hands and closed his eyes. Wade never answered any texts or calls. Peter gave up.

He didn't even get to say goodbye. They had fought before Wade left, because Peter wanted him to get better.


"Do you have to go?" Peter asked, standing helplessly in the middle of the room as Wade was packing his bag.

Wade pulled his mask on along with his suit.

"Sorry, I have to baby boy. It's important." He said sternly, grabbing his bag.

"I thought you said you'd stop." Peter whispered, knowing Wade was going to get all defensive about it.

"There's money still. We can't just sit here, Peter. There's bills and taxes!"

Peter looked down, guilty. "We can just figure it out though."

"But we can't."

Wade walked out of the room. Peter followed.

"How long?" He asked quietly.

Wade stopped at the door and turned around. "Just a couple of weeks at most."

"Are you sure?" Peter asked.

"Yes Peter! How many times to I have to say it?!" Wade retorted.

Peter avoided his gaze. "Could you stay a bit longer? Just to say goodbye?"

Wade let out an exasperated sigh and threw his hands up. "What do you want me to say?"

Peter scoffed. "I don't know! I love you? We'll get through this!"

Wade shook his head and opened the door.

"So you're leaving again without saying goodbye." Peter whispered.

But Wade was already out the door.

-end of flashback-

Peter silently cried, still sitting at the table. He really thought things were going better.

Peter didn't know what else to do. There's wasn't anything else to do.

He really liked Wade. He was sweet and so caring. They had been dating for a couple years now.

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